34. Drama

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Lan zhan's eyes were cold as he watched his Wei ying sitting inside the Intensive care unit room of a trash bin, through the glass door. Again the same situation, where he couldn't help but see his beloved talking with a monster, without being able to be next to him, holding his hand. 

Only Wei ying was allowed inside, stating the patient is still in a bad shape and visitors are restricted. 

Wei ying hugged Lan zhan briefly before he released himself from Lan zhan's hold, to get inside. Of course the prosecutor and lawyer waited outside, hence Lan zhan could rely on the set up. 

When Wei ying entered, Cong's bed was covered with screens on all sides. However a moment after Wei ying disappeared into the screen, Lan zhan saw Wei ying sliding the screens to one side, letting others from outside the room to watch. 

The matching wristband on Wei ying's arm blinked in green, denoting the recording button is turned on.

Cong, who had an exhausted expression, removed the face mask when he saw Wei ying. There were many tubes connected to him on either side and he looked pitiful. 

"Y-you've ccome" 

Cong stuttered through his struggling breathing. 

When Wei ying got up to help him, Cong raised his one arm to convey that he was alright. 

He closed his eyes for two minutes, adjusting his breath and continued speaking. 

"As you can see, I am dying. I am counting my days. Though the doctors say that they wouldn't give up on me, I can see the end coming."

Though it was odd, Wei ying did feel gloomy at the man's words. 

He shouldn't feel bad for a cruel murderer, but he couldn't help it.

A nurse seeked permission to enter and interrupted the one way conversation. 

She returned in a few minutes after checking the surrounding machines that were connected to the man. 

"I don't have children. I realize that it is due to my dark past. To be h-honest I couldn't bear to face you. How can I expect to have children after what I did to you? If it was not for my pressure, my sister wouldn't have left you alone in this world. 

But I wouldn't feel bad to leave my company under your care. In fact, I am happy that I finally got to do something for you, to ease my guilt.

You should believe that my wife, your aunt, is innocent. After I leave, she won't have anyone to take care of her. I have already made arrangements to support her financially. But she wouldn't feel desolate, if you could visit her from time to time." 

Tears filled Cong's eyes as he continued speaking. 

"I know I am selfish. But don't feel pressured. You can visit her, only if you feel so. I shall ask my lawyer to fix a date to transfer the shares. 

You can call my lawyer to meet me once before that. I will have you meet your aunt, if you wish." 

Till the end Wei ying didn't get to speak up. 

Wei ying heard a knock on the glassdoor, and it was the nurse once again. She showed her watch, signalling time is up. 

Wei ying got up without opening his mouth even once. He turned off the recorder by a smooth touch, and walked towards the door. 

As he was about to open the door, he heard Cong's voice calling his name. Wei ying took a few steps back, to listen. 


I am not sure if this is relevant at the moment. It may sound unconvincing but I kept in touch with your mother, though I didn't like her choices of life. After all, we were a family. 

She once told me that she came across a fortune teller when she had just conceived you. 

I remember her telling me that the teller warned her not to have you, saying there is a dark weapon the baby is carrying, which would gobble her up sooner or later. And also it would be a key to death for anyone who cares for the baby. I was completely against her idea of having you, knowing it would bring no good. But she didn't listen to me. 

Now that I think about it, I don't believe what the fortune teller had predicted, as I am seeing you grow into a fine man. I was naive to believe superstiti…" 

Wei ying's knuckles had turned white from clenching his fist. He heard shrills inside his head as the anger on himself exploded. He quickly exited the room, unable to listen anymore. 

Wei ying started running away as soon as he got outside from the room, not stopping at anybody's calls. Finally it was Lan zhan who followed and took him into a hug from behind, not asking for any explanation. 

Wei ying clutched his head on both the sides, as the shrills increased with each passing second. 

"Wei ying" 

Lan zhan broke the hug immediately, realising something was wrong with his love. He swiftly turned Wei ying's frame facing him and called his name to get his attention. 

"I don't know if it's true, but it hurts." 

Wei ying said, still clutching his head like it was about to break. 

"Wei ying, look at me" 

Lan zhan raised Wei ying's chin and pleaded. 

When Wei ying opened his eyes, the eye nerves had turned red. He didn't speak, for he was not clear what he should do. 

Lan zhan helplessly kissed his baby deer as he didn't know what else could soothe the pain. 

Wei ying who was unresponsive in the beginning due to the shrills ringing inside his head, moved his lips in sync after he recognized the warm touch. The tears that were dammed inside, flowed out, leaving a trail. 

The shrill cries dissipated slowly by the time Lan zhan ended the kiss and took Wei ying in his embrace. 

Xichen, who was with Jiang cheng, standing a little away from the couple, answered Qiren's call that Wei ying is alright now. 

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