28. Up high

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'And the dream? Is it by chance Wei ying's core shield?' 

'The shield that divorced me, whenever I couldn't be there for Wei ying?'

Lan zhan's head lifted up high from pride, thinking about the almighty core shield contacting him, properly recognizing him as Wei ying's soulmate. 

It was a rule that using spiritual powers against someone when in the mortal realm was prohibited for immortals. And Wei ying himself was unaware that his shield had been active all along. 

When Xichen reached Lan zhan's shared location, he saw his baby brother grinning like he was walking over the moon.  

"Are you alright?" 

"I am the happiest" 

"Let me check.'' Xichen said, checking Lan zhan's head for any possible injury. 

"Did you find out about Wuxian? If yes, why would you be here!! Wangji, be honest, what happened?" 

"Thanks for being my brother" Lan zhan hugged Xichen, confusing the other even more. 

Xichen widened his eyes in disbelief. 

'Just what in the heavens happened to my baby brother?' 

"No, I haven't found him, not yet. But we will, very soon." 

"Let's head home." Xichen joined Lan zhan and called his chauffeur to pick his own car from the location. 

"Wangji, let me drive." Xichen felt completely strange looking at his brother who was driving, grinning from ear to ear. 

Until they reached home, Lan zhan's expression remained the same. Sometimes he would shake his head and chuckle, sometimes he would caress his chest like he was feeling happy and proud, he even bit his lower lip once trying to curb the smile, which he couldn't do. Whenever Lan zhan smiled looking at Xichen, Xichen would give an awkward smile in return. 

At home, Lan zhan freshened up, and soon an official came, for which Xichen wanted Lan zhan to be present. 

The officer explained how he suspects the case to be human trafficking as they have received few more cases of people lost during the same day or next. He also added that they had a very similar pattern of case a couple of months back, but couldn't find anyone till date. All they got was an anonymous tip regarding trafficking, but that didn't help them much. 

"What are our options?" 

Lan zhan wanted to know. 

"Either we find the illegal site or the kidnapper. Once we find the kidnapper, it is easy to take control of the site but the people involved in these businesses are hard to predict. Actually that is their strength, to live among us like normal neighbors and do their deeds silently."

"Why go through the site If we find the kidnapper?"  

"Risk is comparatively less. Knowing their actions through their site is easy as they don't expect anyone to access them easily." 

Lan zhan had wanted to say Lan yi's name since the moment he saw the officer, even before he told them about trafficking. But he had to wait until the officer finished, since he cannot say 'that based on his past experience, whatever the problem is, it is due to Lan yi', so that they don't question him much. He deduced that it cannot be anyone but Lan yi with how Hui shen i.e. another one of Hui sect members was involved in this incident, just like before. 

He told them Lan yi's name as a suspect, quoting that there might be a reason why Lan yi got close to Wei ying in the first place. He also asked the officer to keep this search a secret from the other officers for the time being, for he knows that there is a black sheep among them. 

But since this tracking cannot happen without anyone's help, the officer suggested that they get a hacker to do this job under his supervision. 

Xichen gave a call to Mingjue and the latter offered to help by sending experts from his own company. 

It took a few hours to finally find the site with Lan yi as the lead. Initially the experts tried running a search with her details but she was clever to not leave any trace. It was Madam Lan who gave them hope by accessing the site from her mobile phone frequently. 

Now all they wanted was to find the place where they had people in custody. Directly invading their residence wouldn't be a good choice and it may also alert them unless they really had the people hidden there. 

Before they could plan anything else, they wanted someone to be active in the site, to keep an eye on the happenings. 

Lan zhan volunteered, and he registered his name as a bidder. 

'Will he remember me?' 

Lan zhan wondered since he was not aware of the fact that his husband didn't have the no memories potion as they planned. 

While Wei ying slept, Lan zhan and the group were stationed near Lan yi's home in order to find the hidden spot. 

In the early morning, Wei ying woke up to the familiar sandalwood scent. He realised his Lan zhan was carrying him in a bridal style, ready to rescue. 

Before he could speak, Lan zhan shushed him, signalling him not to speak. Wei ying scrutinized the surrounding and Hui shen was under the control of a police and so were the guards. 

It was a silent operation, as they were not sure about the strength of the enemy. Initially Lan zhan wanted to wait till they came to know about the hidden place, but the sudden five hour countdown on the website for the exclusive photos, left him without any choice. 

So the police officer called a bunch of his own men for backup and they entered the home to get whatever they could. 

Apparently the house was divided into two portions, a wall dividing the front house area and the back portion where they kept kidnapped ones. 

About the guards who were under Lan yi's family, they all carried a gun, but they didn't stand a chance before the trained policemen. 

When the police were sure that all the guards had been taken down, a buzzer sounded like an emergency signal, throughout the house. The last guard, in an attempt to escape, had pressed the emergency button in his phone. 

Lan yi in her pajamas, came running down from upstairs, hid her gun in her pants pocket looking at the police crowded inside her home. 

"Please save us officers" she screamed and joined the side of Wei ying. 

"From your parents?" The official came with her parents from behind. 

When Lan yi wanted to pull her gun from pocket, she realised it was not there anymore. The metal nozzle touched her neck from behind and she heard LanWangji's voice say,

"I can't wait to blow up your head" 

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