7. Additional knot

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Wei ying was left alone in a new room. He thought that he would be sharing Jiang cheng's room for the night. The room was spacious and Wei ying looked around, as he saw a photo of himself hanging on the wall. Next to it was a photo of a couple with an infant. Wei ying deduced that it must be his parents, given the carbon copy of the lady's facial features imprinted on his face. He barely could recognize them, if not for that. He caressed the picture as if trying to register the image into his brain. 

He knew that it is impolite to check the things inside a room, which is not originally his, but his mind somehow itched for him to check. However he controlled the desire and laid on the bed with eyes wide open, unable to sleep. 

The door knob clicked and turned, getting his focus, after a light knock. 

The door creaked open and it was Madam Jiang. Seeing Wei ying, she showed a worried expression thinking she might have disturbed the youth. However Wei ying smiled, inviting her inside and she didn't hesitate to ruffle his hair, before reflecting the smile. 

Initially they shared minutes of silence before Madam Jiang opened up. 

"It feels surreal that you are 18 years old now. Sorry we let you wait this long." 

Wei ying blinked. 

"Why-wha…?" He didn't know what he should ask her first. 

"We let you suffer alone. But that was the only option we had, to keep you safe." 

Tears welled up on her eyes, and Wei ying hugged her, unable to find the right words to comfort. 

Wei ying came to know that his parents were killed by someone and they had to keep Wei ying away, without contact for years, just to keep him alive. 

Madam Jiang was unconsolable and was unable to tell him the whole story, overwhelmed by emotions. Wei ying didn't ask her any further and thought to himself that he should wait a little to know the complete truth. 

Wei ying felt the warmth of parental affection, and was even more happy to look at the small possessions of his late parents which were stored inside a cupboard. Wei ying already had a feeling that he might find this, as soon as he saw the picture frame. And that was also the reason he felt curious initially. Madam Jiang showed him the things, and also told him that he has rights to everything in the house, as much as Yanli and Cheng have. 

Later that day, right before they were about to start to the cafe, Wei ying received a message from Huaisang asking him to thank later for the good deed. Wei ying didn't have a good premonition about it since all the surprises were literally shocks so far. 

'What more could go wrong!?' he shrugged. 

Yanli had picked the attires for her brothers, and having two good looking guys side by side, she entered the coffee house like a princess. 

If only the person she was going to meet isn't Lan zhan, Wei ying wouldn't have to pull his facial muscles hard to put on a fake smile. Each step towards the table where his prince charming was, Wei ying felt his heart become rigid. He wondered why his eyes felt like sweating when he saw his shijie sitting next to his husband. He didn't realize he was on the verge of crying. 

Lan zhan didn't mind, when Yanli sat next to him while her brothers sat opposite to them, for his eyes were only focusing on the person he much awaited to see. 

As usual, Xichen was the conversation starter. He started the topic with Wei ying, to confirm the interest of his baby brother. Much to everyone's surprise, Lan zhan spoke like a normal person, asking the activities involved in the volunteering to, how early Wei ying would start from his room and his schedules. 

Poor Wei ying had no choice but to answer truthfully as his siblings were there. 

Like a lifesaver, Wei ying received a call, but from a person he least expected. It was Lan yi. She was just outside the coffee house when she made the call. At the same time Jiang cheng received a text message and he rolled his eyes, the moment he read it. 

Wei ying excused himself from everyone saying he has got plans with a friend, waving a hi to Lan yi from inside. Except Yanli, everyone's expression became dull. 

It became even more unsightly when Jiang cheng told them that the said girl has feelings for Wei ying. He received a message from Huaisang when she called Wei ying, informing Jiang cheng to root for her one sided love. So this was the good deed Huaisang had done for Wei ying. 

"A'cheng, it's up to A'xian to decide." Yanli tried to tune in on her brother. 

Lan zhan on the other hand, had become deaf and dumb after Wei ying left. He didn't respond to whatever Yanli was saying, like he was not actually present there. That was the case until he heard his brother ask Jiang cheng,

"Does Wuxian like her?" 

"No, This idiot is too dumb to even know that she has feelings for him." 

Lan zhan finally let out his breath and left the coffee house, bidding bye to others in a hurried way. 

Yanli was like, did I give the cue to the wrong person?! 

On the street, Lan zhan's eyes looked for the cute human, his mind playing the library scene, wherein that girl had her eyes on Wei ying the whole time. 

On Lan yi's defense, crossing paths with destined people was merely a fantasy thing until she met Wei wuxian. A guy who loves flute as much as her, and likes to volunteer to help others, shows up in her life and he is adorable too. And so she wanted to work on the destiny thing by taking an extra step. She had met Huaisang once with Wei ying and with that, she had contacted him to know Wei ying's weekend plan. Huaisang being a generous friend, helped her after she told him how she feels about his close friend.

Wei ying was walking along with Lan yi on a random street.  When asked how and why she was here, Lan yi blushed, stuttered and at last smiled saying it's just to meet him. 

'What?? How? Why me?' Wei ying racked his brain as he understood where it was leading to. 

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