11. Pining

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Almost two months have passed since Wei ying decided to give up on his love. The very first day, as planned, he met Lan yi and told her that he doesn't like her in that way and wouldn't have any chances in the future either. To his shock, Lan yi didn't look heartbroken but told him that she has known it all along, and would like to have him as her friend like before. If only she had been this nice in her previous birth, life would have been smooth for the couple. 

The same night, Wei ying's eyes almost bulged out from their sockets, when he saw his husband coming out of the opposite room. But Wei ying maintained his collected expression, and even said hi like nothing happened. Lan zhan walked past him like Wei ying was invisible.  

The first two weeks of this period, Wei ying had pain but he was willing to go through this. Slowly, Lan yi became his friend, as she was the only one who didn't talk to him about his husband. It became his comfort zone. He doesn't share any of his problems with her, nor does he ask her about her personal affairs, but they spent quality time discussing studies, their flute practice etc. 

During weekends it became a routine for him to stay at Jiang's residence. 

The next few weeks, his mind became unsteady and he started to argue within himself whether it was fine if he could talk to his Lan zhan. It felt too cruel for him, whenever Lan zhan ignored him. Once at flute class, Xichen invited Wei ying but seeing him, Lan zhan left the room right away. Almost every morning Lan zhan would come out of his room, the same time Wei ying had to start for the class. But never once his Lan zhan was willing to lock eyes with him. 

The last one week has been the worst. Wei ying couldn't bear this anymore, he was on the verge of falling into his husband's arms, if the other person would look at him for once. But he knew that it was unfair to his Lan zhan. He can't expect him to come back without taking the initiative. He also felt that everything else would be fine as long as he is with his husband, knowing very well of his own cowardly love. 

Today he had to attend Lan yi's birthday party. He picked a bouquet of yellow flowers and reached the restaurant, only to find that he was the only one person to be invited by Lan yi. Though it was very open to his eyes, that he wasn't being treated as an actual friend right now, he voiced out his question, about why no one else was there. They were not so close for her to celebrate her special day only with Wei ying. 

"I have no other friends Xian." Was what she had replied. 

Not to hurt her, Wei ying had the dinner before handing her the yellow flowers which represent friendship. 

He didn't stay back after that for long, and started to Jiang residence without any delay. He felt tipsy due to the drink he had during the dinner, but he needed time to relax his senses before he made his way home. Hence he decided to take the train, and take his own time. 

He wanted to avoid answering his siblings asking him what's wrong with him lately. He cannot tell them that nothing was right. Both of them for some reason, didn't like him getting along with Lan yi. And they knew that he would drop by for the party today. Reaching late would save the Q&A session. 

He reached the destination and by the time he started walking towards home, he had a constant feeling that something was not right. 

A few guys followed him, and Wei ying who had the will to destroy himself voluntarily due to the distance from his husband, stopped walking and turned back. 

Everyone had black mask on, and the situation felt very familiar. There were five guys and Wei ying assumed that they were definitely a group of thugs. Their hands were itching to fight and it was clearly visible. 

The four guys marched forward and distracted Wei ying by attacking, while the fifth guy closed Wei ying's nose and mouth with a handkey from behind. 

'An out of date method, and I still suck at this to get caught again.' Wei ying's eyes struggled to stay open.  He was already tipsy and this drug made it impossible for him to concentrate on the face before him, after the mask was removed. It was blurry and Wei ying thought that he had seen this face somewhere. 

"Know your place you bastard" he heard a voice threaten him and he laughed at that. A series of kicks landed on his leg as a reward, as he closed his eyes. 

"Lan zhaaan" Wei ying didn't realise that he called for his husband in pain. 

"Don't you d-ar—e….." Wei ying fell unconscious before the other guy completed the sentence. 

A day later, when Wei ying woke up, he was in a hospital room. No one was next to him, and he tried moving his body parts to check for any damages. He felt pain in one of the legs but that was bearable. 

The room door opened suddenly to show a surprised Cheng, who shouted that the idiot had come alive. 

Yanli and the parents followed with rushed steps and Wei ying didn't know whose questions he should answer first. 

The doctor came quickly after, and confirmed that Wei ying is fine and could be discharged the next day after necessary rest. 

"Do you love him A'xian?" Yanli asked after sending the others out, saying that she had to settle the score. 

"En?" Wei ying's head felt numb all of a sudden. 

"Wangji. Do you love him?" 

Wei ying didn't answer. He was still confused as to how Yanli had this idea. 

"He brought you here." Yanli waited patiently. 

"No" Wei ying's eyes welled up with tears. He didn't look into Yanli's eyes, instead left his eyes to tour the ceiling, to prevent the tears from falling. 

"You sure?"

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