8. Setting limits

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Wei ying was back in his room at Jiang residence. It was already 12:30 at night, yet he couldn't sleep. 

Earlier today, he excused himself from Lan yi immediately saying he was not feeling well at the moment. Lan yi didn't mind and asked him to give a call when he is alright. He took a cab and got home, not remembering to inform his siblings. 

This led the younger Lan to go through all the nearby alleys and finally it was Xichen who gave a call to Wei ying to confirm his whereabouts. 

Meanwhile Yanli and cheng had started to go home. 

At home, Wei ying waited for his shijie's arrival to ask her about how she feels for Lan zhan. When he came to know about Lan yi's feelings, he felt he had moved further away from his Lan zhan. It was like, the morer the people between them, the more they were apart. For a slight moment he hoped that he could have his Lan zhan if his shijie doesn't want things to get romantical between them. 

So he did ask her, once she returned home.

"Ehm..May I know what Lan Wangji means to you?" 

His heartbeats were going crazy at the fear of hearing something he didn't want to hear from his shijie. 

"Well, I don't love him, not yet." She smiled. 

"But I can say I like him. Obviously anyone with good eyesight wouldn't miss the beauty right? And his repelling personality is like a magnet calling for attraction." She continued. She missed to notice the faint blush that appeared on someone's ears as the person listened to his shijie's praise about his beloved. 

"And despite his simple unwillingness to continue this, our parents want this to happen. I can't make them sad, A'xian"  Yanli completed her answer and now looked at Wei ying. 


"Mmm yeah. He told me that we are just known people and nothing more. Okay, I must tell you that cheng is going insane wanting to know about your girl "friend" you met earlier today. And I hope you would tell your shijie first, before you tell him on whatever you decide!. Do you like her A'xian?" Yanli looked cheerful. 

Wei ying told her how he didn't feel anything for her, and retired to bed after meeting cheng who waited just outside his room. 

Since he happened to know that his shijie doesn't have any deep feelings, his mind was wavering whether he should tell her about his love. 

Actually, he was not the only one who didn't feel like sleeping, two more guys who were in a white car in front of Jiang residence felt the same. 

Lan zhan was going crazy not knowing how the date evening went for Wei ying. He could wait for Yanli to ask about it on Monday but he had "One fulllllll day" before it came. 

Hence, on Xichen's advice, to ask Wei ying directly, Lan zhan drove the car straight to Jiang's residence. What Xichen actually meant was to text or call the other. But Lan zhan didn't feel any better, hence the brothers were there waiting inside the car. 

"Text him already" Xichen lost his patience after waiting for a long time with no progress from his baby brother. 


"You want me to call him out??" He pleaded. 


"I am gonna call him, if you don't." 

"Mn" Lan zhan had a sly smile, one side of his lips curled up. 

"You little devil." Xichen could only vent out, for he knew that it would be very inappropriate for him to call out a guy in the middle of his sleep, when they are not even close." 

"Wangji, if you don't call him now, trust me, I will scream his name at the top of my lungs to bring him out."  

"Will text him." Lan zhan complied. 

"Come out. Wish to see. -Love LanWangji" Wei ying didn't blink for two whole minutes when he read it. 

He blushed at the word 'Love Lanwangji' and a single teardrop rolled down. He could hear the loud heart beat drumming, wanting to pop out. But it was from a private number. Still, Wei ying believed that it must be his Lan zhan. 

"What if he is sleeping?" As Xichen completed the question, Lan zhan pointed his finger towards the entrance, where they saw a small figure in pajama sprinting outside the gate. 

The figure stopped as it came out and scanned the surrounding area in search of the person. 

"Good luck baby bro" Xichen cheered before Lan zhan got off from one of the cars, parked in the road. 

"Caution: close your eyes" was what Lan zhan muttered as a reply. But who would adhere to the precautionary notice? 

Wei ying stood still, not moving an inch from place, as he saw his man come out of a car. 

Lan zhan nodded once, calling the other to come closer through the gesture. 

Wei ying shook his head. He was surprised to see his beloved and he was not actually in his right mind. In the darkness, under the street lights, two guys had their first butterfly moment. 

Lan zhan pointed his index finger to himself and then to Wei ying asking Wei ying, whether he should take the initiative to go. 

This time, Wei ying shook his head fiercely. Lan zhan's index finger motioned Wei ying to come again and Wei ying did as it said. 

He crossed the road slowly to the other side, and stood in front of Lan zhan, leaving a two steps distance between them. 

"W-why do you call….." Wei ying who found his voice, was turned over in a swift movement, by a stern hand, and had his body against the car. He was caged by Lan zhan. 

Wei ying blinked. 

"Do you like her?" Wei ying heard a question come out of his husband's soft lips in a whisper. 

"No" Wei ying copied the tone and replied in a whisper. 

"Good." Wei ying's full face was painted red from the scrutinizing eyes and he looked down, unable to take the body tension. 

"You can't like others." Wei ying knew that it was not a request. The hoarse voice made him remember their nights in jingshi. 

"Look only at me." Lan zhan lifted his chin up and said, making Wei ying look like a baby deer afraid of its surroundings. 

"I can't take this anymore." Breaking their contact, the two heard Xichen's voice from the front door. 

Wei ying used these few seconds of distraction, to free himself and run inside the gate at full speed. 

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