30. Danger

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"It was a prank turned into a disaster by a person of an unstable mind. I just wanted to meet the kid who the Jiang family claimed to be my late sister's son." 

This was Cong's response to the complaint placed against him. 

When asked why did his nephew Hui Shen kidnapped Wei ying, his answer was,

"My nephew is not mentally stable. He has a past record of stalking and kidnapping. When he overheard that I was planning to meet the imposter, he must have acted on it, in a way he is familiar with." 

"But why was your nephew Hui shen in your home instead of in a prison cell?" 

"Due to his strange disorder of stalking, we had to take him to enroll under a rehab." 

Cong's attorney produced a document which supported his claim. 

Thus Cong was able to get out of the issue without a hitch. 

Lan yi and the family were moved under special police's care and everyone knew that there was no way to return when you are put under special investigation. 

A week later

Wei ying's everyday schedules were modified by the Lan family. 

He woke up with a sweet morning kiss from his husband, who then took him to the morning meditation session with Uncle Qiren. 

His flute and volunteering activity were cancelled and instead of enrolling in a new activity in the university, Lan zhan had made him meditate with Qiren in the morning and a martial combat session trained by Xichen in the evening, exclusive for Wei ying. 

Lan zhan had wanted to train his husband personally, but Qiren did not agree stating that it would have too many distractions, which Lan zhan thought is true. 

Previous day, they received the DNA analysis report from the government which stated that the samples are not from the same person. 

They were aware that Cong would do anything to keep his position but this wasn't in their list. The only relief they had was, Cong cannot pose any threat to Wei ying's life since anything happening to Wei ying would directly indicate Cong as the prime suspect. 

Still, Lan zhan wanted to have his Wei ying trained on martial arts even if it takes several years to master it. At Least Wei ying would be able to dodge the attacks of weaklings like Hui shen in the near future, if it were to happen just in case. 

Lan zhan made up his mind to remove the negatives that would have any effect on Wei ying when poked by others. 

When Wei ying returned to his room after the martial arts session, Lan zhan had a gift for him. Wei ying's ying's eyes, which were brimming with love and curiosity, suddenly showed horror and fear once he opened the box. 

It was a Labrador puppy with eyes still closed. It was so tiny that it was clearly visible that it cannot be more than a week since the puppy was born. Lan zhan knew that it must be too much for Wei ying, but he had to do it. Before anyone inflicts pain on his beloved using a dog again, he must make him get used to it. 

Since it was a gift, that too from his Lan zhan, Wei ying couldn't ask him to take it back. But he didn't take a step down from his bed since the moment the puppy's bed was put inside their room. He badly wanted to get out of the room, but his Lan zhan was there with him. 

Whenever he was needed outside the bedroom, he would tiptoe till he was a few steps before the puppy's bed and take a lightning run to get out as fast as he could. He could run without tiptoeing from the beginning, but that may result in the puppy opening its eyes and looking at him, which he would gladly avoid. 

Wei ying didn't freak out as Lan zhan promised him to never leave his side while the puppy is sharing the room space with them. At night, before sleep, Lan zhan left the baby animal in its mini house set up in the living room. It was planned that they would keep it there, until it is a few months old. 

"Have you named him?"

In bed, while their eyes were closed, Lan zhan had asked this, running his fingers through the raven hair. 


Lan zhan felt the increased heart beat against his chest when Wei ying replied. He knew it would take more time than he imagined. 

"If you grow fond of him, he can be our son." 

There was silence. 

They didn't get to adopt a baby in their past life, which was a huge unfulfilled desire for Wei ying, despite their immortal life. Mortals couldn't be taken to the immortal realm and there were no baby immortals who were in need of parents. 

"You can tell me whenever you feel it is too much. We can still return it." 

An hour had passed with no one talking.  

"C-can I change its name?" 

One would always love their child, even if it's a monster. The statement proved to be true for Lan zhan, when he heard this. He thought Wei ying had slept. 

"Mn. We are together in this." 

Lan zhan was now sure that he did the right thing by gifting a puppy. 

The next day when the last class ended, Wei ying was waiting for his husband to pick him up from his classroom. It got a little late for Lan zhan to come, so Jiang cheng, as a responsible brother, waited with him.  It was then, the person they least expected, entered their class. 

Cong Sanren. 

Jiang cheng cursed and stood in front of Wei ying, not letting the other get closer to his dear brother. 

Cong laughed. 

"Settlement talks. Ask him to stay out of this." Cong said pointing his finger to Jiang cheng. 

This was the first time Wei ying got to meet this person. Previously at the police station, it was Cong's attorney who spoke on his behalf. Before Cong himself arrived at the scene, Lan's family brought Wei ying home. 

"Jiang cheng, you know what to do." Wei ying said, eyeing Jiang cheng to give them space. 

"No, I am not leaving."  


Jiang reluctantly went outside the classroom and dialled Lan zhan's number immediately. He understood that Wei ying wanted him to call Lan zhan. 

"You damn shit." 

Jiang cheng raged and hit the glass door, when it was locked from inside by Cong right after he came out. 

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