26. Closer yet far

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Wei ying's tiredness from the wedding and the party put him to sleep against his wish. 

Madam Lan woke him up in the morning, introducing him to the doctor who checked his overall health, as a part of a quality check. 

Wei ying made up his mind that he should escape from this place even if they drill his bones with a bullet or break him into pieces. He firmly believed in his flexible body. The room had CCTV surveillance but Wei ying didn't mind, and worked his brain on how to get past the guard and Lan yi during their visit. That was the only time they opened the door, so that must be the time. 

In the evening, as expected, Lan yi came. Since there was a monitoring camera, they didn't mind leaving Hui shen and Wei ying loose in the room. 

Wei ying counted to three in his mind and ran straight towards the guard and slipped between his legs and crossed his first hurdle successfully. 

Lan yi was thrown off balance by the sudden figure which pushed her away. But Wei ying stopped after two steps from her without moving and let the guard take him back to his place. His entire body had turned rigid. 

Lan yi had brought her pet, a poodle. In that split second, as Wei ying saw the dog, his entire mental strength collapsed. He could bite a bullet but not a dog. 

Lan yi assessed Wei ying's fear, and as a punishment for trying to escape, made her pet sit right next to Wei ying. 

Wei ying didn't hear anything Lan yi spoke as he shivered from head to toe. Lan yi choked Wei ying's fear stricken face, clutching his jaw with her one hand and told him about taking his body measurements, to be posted on the auction site in two days. In a few minutes, an oldman who Wei ying remembered to be Lan yi's father, took his measurements against his will. 

Hui Shen, after Lan yi was done taking measurements of Wei ying,  received another slap from Lan yi for asking her whether he could serve her in satisfying her physical needs for this lifetime. 

Both of their hands and legs were tied before Lan yi left for the day. 

"What if people escape after getting sold?" Wei ying asked his unwanted company, once Lan yi left.  

"I have heard that they won't let you see sunlight in the initial years, let alone escaping. Do you think your family and friends would accept you for who you are, if they came to know that you were a sex slave?"

Wei ying couldn't eat or sleep in the next two days, and he kept stroking the wedding ring. 

'Why is living hard?'  

Back in Lan villa, Lan zhan didn't have any leads to search for his husband. After reporting a criminal being let out by the local police, the higher officials promised to offer their full support in this matter. They also agreed to allow them to use any means to find Wei ying. For now, Qiren and Jiang's family registered Cong Sanren's name in the suspect list and requested to record the calls of him without his knowledge. 

Since Lan zhan saw Cong sanren in the first kidnapped spot, the officials agreed to their demand, based on the suspect enquiry rules. 

But Cong had a spy among the officials who reported everything to him. 

With no progress on each side, the situation was at a stalemate. 

Lan zhan found it odd that Cong didn't get any personal calls in the last 24 hours, in his personal number. Both his personal and work numbers were being tapped, but not even a single out of business call was made to anyone from the numbers. 

He asked his brother to look into it and checked with huaisang whether he knew anyone who posed a threat to Wei ying. Not getting any suspects from huaisang's answer, he called Lan yi next. 

Lan yi was in the midst of showing the auction page, which had Wei ying's and few other guys' details posted. She made Wei ying see the initial response received for just his measurements. Wei ying's insides twinged seeing the disgusting animals drooling over, and enquiring about when the photos will be posted. 

Wei ying puked the last few drops of fluids in his tummy, unable to go on. 

He laid straight down, feeling dizzy.

Lan yi received a call at the exact moment, which displayed the caller name to be LanWangji. She snapped her fingers at a helper, and he quickly covered Wei ying and Hui shen's mouth with tape. 

"Hey Lan Wangji, so happy for you and Wuxian.." 

Wei ying was unable to scream or move close to her as his legs were still tightly tied. He tried making muffled noises, but his dry throat couldn't produce any sound due to lack of food or water intake. 

Lan yi moved further away from him, and Wei ying's tears blinded his vision, as it slowly closed. Wei ying had lost consciousness. 

"Keep me updated. I shall inform you immediately If Shen contacts me." 

The innocent Lan yi ended her call with a smile. 

Wei ying woke up a day after, and noticed the drips being injected into his body. It was as if it was all a dream until at night when Hui shen informed him that they are taking photographs of him the next day. 

When asked Why it was him alone and why not Hui shen also, Hui shen gave him an answer that almost drove him to unconsciousness once again. 

"We are put into different categories. You for sex and me for my internal organs. So they wouldn't need my picture." 

Hui shen who was active in the first four days, now had no energy after learning the plan. 

'I miss you Lan zhan' Wei ying held on to their memories and stayed up all night, not willing to admit that it would be the next day in a few more hours. 

Meanwhile, Lan zhan who spent the entire night in his car, which was parked a little away from Lan yi's house, drove over to his house, after he received a call from his brother. 

He took his brother's car this time, so that he can look out for the stalker Hui shen, if he ever comes to look for Lan yi. 

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