19. New hope

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Hui shen somehow grew fond of Wei ying, but not to the point of releasing him. He instead answered random questions from Wei ying, which he doesn't do with anyone. 

Hui shen completed the portrait by late night and gave a tough task to Wei ying, to guess the person in it. Wei ying would have felt less pressurized if not for the knife that was waiting to slit his throat, if he were to answer wrong. If he gets it right, the ties binding his legs would be severed. Given Hui shen's poor talent, Wei ying doubted whether his own pals could recognize the person from having a look at it. 

It was a portrait of a girl, the long wavy hair made it easy to guess. But Wei ying had many girls as friends, even in the volunteering club. 

He could go give a shot saying Lan yi, but if it was wrong, it would cost his life. 

"I will count to 10" Hui shen said, focusing on Wei ying's throat like a blood sucker. 

Wei ying made up his mind that he would start with 'Lan', and based on the expression the maniac gives, he will think about adding 'yi' , ying or mei etc or start all over with a different name. 


Hui shen's eyes smiled and he nodded to Wei ying to go on. 


"That's right" 

'So he likes Lan yi!. Lan yi would for sure vomit blood, if she sees this creepy picture.' 

Hui shen patted Wei ying's shoulder like praising him, and as promised he did cut the rope. 

He allowed Wei ying to look at the things in the showcase. Wei ying thought it was better if he hadn't seen it. 

There was hair, chocolate wrapper, flowers, an unused tampon, a panty and a few more craps. 

Wei ying felt chills when the psychopath touched and took a whiff of every item as if treasuring it. 

"Why did you bring Shu Nian (sleeping beauty) here?" 

"Ah.. he had some balls to propose his love to yiyi." 


"Yiyi likes you. I can't keep allowing her to see you." 

Wei ying understood the point when Lan yi told him during her birthday that she had no friends. This psychopath never allowed anyone to go near her. 

From his brave tales, Wei ying realised that he had been attacking every guy who spoke to Lan yi, and if they continued, he would abduct them. 

Poor him, Wei ying didn't hear anything the creep said while attacking him in the alley. 

Wei ying's eyes closed gradually, as he hadn't slept properly. When it was early morning, Wei ying felt pins and needles all over his body. He tried to sleep, but it was not easy to overcome the feeling. 

He half opened his eyes, and in the darkness, two prying eyes were looking close at him. Wei ying flinched, startled. 

"Hey, don't mind me. Sleep" 

'What's with this creep' 

"Why are you looking at me?" Wei ying sat up, adjusting his shirt. 

"I like you" 



Wei ying felt like puking at that. 

Suddenly, Wei ying's brain worked, giving him an idea to put an end to this bug. 

"But I like Lan Wangji." Wei ying stated. 

"I know." Hui shen didn't care. 

"Lan yi likes him too." 


"No, she doesn't." Hui shen's voice turned aggressive. 

"I know how she looks at him. I like him too. I think you got the wrong person. You should've brought him, not me." Wei ying stretched his body and continued to place the trap. 

"Planning to escape huh?" 

"It's up to you to believe. If you are going to attend classes today, watch her out in the next few days. She will, for sure, try to contact him. Now let me sleep." 

Wei ying knew that Lan yi would have tried to reach him over the phone several times. So the next point of contact would be either huaisang, Jiang cheng or Lan zhan. 

He already gave an earful to huaisang when he initially helped her, so he wouldn't dare to. Cheng literally hates her, so she wouldn't contact him. Even if she does, cheng would roll his eyes and walk past her. The last and best option for her is Lan zhan. She had seen Wei ying with Lan zhan post the volunteering activity together, and Wei ying prayed that she would approach him. 

If that happens, knowing the psychopath's nature, he would for sure try to attack or kidnap his Lan zhan. If he tries to attack, his husband who is a pro at martial arts, will beat him to pulp. Or in case his Lan zhan uses his smart brain, he will end up tracking this cage. Either case, it would be the doom for this monster. Wei ying felt at ease, seeding doubt in the evil heart. After all, the flames of doubt don't go off easily. 

One thing that needs to happen to ensure his success is, his Lan zhan should attend classes which is highly unlikely for the situation. 

Jiang residence

"A'yu, do you realise what you have done?"

"I don't understand any of you. Why can't you try to understand me? It's been four days, and I don't know how my boy is surviving. I could have begged him to leave him by letting A'xian give away the shares. All I need to do is meet Cong." 

"If he is that considerate, would he have killed Changze and cangse?" 

Madam Yu wails hugging her husband. 

"Mother, Can you give me just one day? I have traced something and I am sure I can find Wei ying's whereabouts by the end of the day."

Madam Yu hugs Lan zhan, and nods. She knew how much it must have hurt the younger Lan considering his love for her son. 

Madam Yu lost her sense of thinking last night, and started off to Cong Sanren's house early in the morning, wanting to talk to him directly. She escaped from Jiang residence but got caught by Investigator Li while requesting entrance in the intercom. She forgot about the fact that they had set an Investigator to watch Cong Sanren's house. 

"Yu Ziyuan at my door?" 

"Yes boss"

"Interesting! Fetch the intercom data and confirm whether she is the one. If it's her, look into what is happening in the Jiang household." 

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