36. Deal

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How did Wei ying see through Cong's mask? Wei ying almost fell for the act and listened to Cong during his first visit to the hospital. It wasn't until Wei ying saw Cong's fingers pressing the emergency call button, that he was able to see through the peripheral vision, he began to doubt it. It was Cong's careless mistake by overdoing the drama.

Immediately after the call button was pressed, the nurse entered the room. Wei ying was able to confirm it, when it got repeated for the second time. 

Similarly, Cong's timing to talk about the yin metal right after Wei ying turned off the wristband recorder, Wei ying had to admit that Cong's brain worked really well. 

And Wei ying's overflowing emotions were due to his guilt, which was about his parents death. Deep inside, there has always been a voice of him that constantly speculated that his parents' deaths in both lives were due to his bad luck. When listening from someone else's mouth, it triggered his anger over himself. 

Back to the present, Xichen advised the couple not to attempt anything against Cong without consulting with the family, since he knew that the couple had a secret, regarding the same. 

The next day, Wei ying devised a rough plan and conveyed the same to Lan zhan. Lan zhan had no part in it, and the plan posed a threat to Wei ying, hence Lan zhan pleaded that he would take on the role. However Wei ying didn't budge. 

"Would you let me do this, Lan zhan?" 


"Why are you demanding that you would do it?" 

"It's rational that I do it." Lan zhan was unwilling to give up. 

"At Least give me a chance. It's unfair." Lan zhan continued. 

During their conversation, Xing climbed up the bed and crawled onto Wei ying's lap, ignoring the bigger male's presence. 

"If you manage to gain Xing's affection within a day's time, the role is yours. Deal?" 

Wei ying's lips on one side curled up, as he asked. 

"Seriously??" Though Lan zhan knew that it was a scam in broad daylight, he had no choice but to agree. 

Thus Lan zhan waited next to Xing's bed for it to wake up the next morning. 

Xing opened its eyes, yawned upon looking at daddy Lan, and closed its eyes again. Lan zhan had to tempt the baby dog, saying morning games to make it follow him to their garden. 

Xing, though it didn't show any enthusiastic behavior during the jogging session, Lan zhan could see that it was willing to accompany him. 

When a bud of hope was about to bloom in Lan zhan's heart, Xing saw Wei ying coming towards the garden and gladly forgot about jogging or whatever they did in the past one hour. 

Lan zhan launched his plan B, that is to tempt his son with treats. Xing did not even take a whiff of the treats until Lan zhan walked out of its sight. Lan zhan accepted his second defeat of the day, gladly. 

Xichen had informed Lan zhan once that Xing had made friends from the nearby park, from its visits during weekend playtime there. Based on that, Lan zhan had brought a female puppy from nearby pet care for Xing to play with. 

Unlike what Xichen told him, Xing became aggressive as soon as he saw the puppy and Lan zhan had to return it immediately to the pet care. When Lan zhan confronted his brother about the reliability of the information he shared, Xichen was so sure that Xing had friends. 

"Don't tell me…." Lan zhan had a quick spark in his mind. 

"Shameless" Wei ying had to comment when he saw what his husband was trying to do, to curry favor with their son. 

Half an hour later, Lan zhan brought a male puppy this time, and the little master Xing sent hearts from its eyes to the newcomer. 

"Like father, like son." Lan zhan was proud. 

However Xing's attitude towards Lan zhan didn't improve even after this step. 

It was already evening after Lan zhan tried everything he could. As a last resort, Lan zhan voluntarily supplied his new shoes and shirts for Xing to tear, like it usually did. 

"Lan zhan, you are the one to spoil Xing. Yet you blame Xing in the end, everytime" 

Lan zhan didn't expect Wei ying to arrive on the scene, at the exact time he offered his shoes. In the end, Lan zhan got an earful from Wei ying for being a bad influence on the innocent baby. 

After dinner, when Xing was enjoying the warmth of Wei ying's lap, Lan zhan ran his fingers through Xing's back tenderly for a few minutes and Xing fell asleep just like that. 

So the day was over for Xing, and Lan zhan, after placing Xing on its bed inside their bedroom, laid down next to Wei ying, who slept like a baby. Lan zhan couldn't let Wei ying take risks all by himself. Thinking about it, he couldn't sleep properly. 

It was around 11:40 pm when Lan zhan slowly drifted to sleep, his sleep got disturbed when he felt the little paws walking over to Wei ying's side. 

In a few minutes, he once again felt the paws climbing over his own arm and resting on his torso. It took a few minutes for Lan zhan to believe. He was afraid to open his eyes, as his son might get shy and jump off the bed, if he were to see. 

"Xing'er, come to daddy" 

Meanwhile, Lan zhan heard the hushed voice of Wei ying calling from the side. 

Lan zhan didn't need any extra brain to know why his Xianxian was using his whispered voice. 

Lan zhan felt the weight on him getting reduced, and he deduced that Wei ying must be taking Xing over to him. 

"Would you need my help?" 

Lan zhan surprised Wei ying, catching him in the act. 


"I won the deal" 

"I am sle.." 

"Don't you say you are sleepwalking." 


Thus Lan zhan not only won the deal but also his son's affection. 

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