37. Game on

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First half of the year almost got over and it was time for exams. Wei ying and Lan zhan chose to stay in the dormitory until they finished the exams to avoid getting caught in danger during commuting. They had a week until the exams. 

With all the things happening, Wei ying had forgotten about Yanli's feelings for Lan zhan until he saw her bidding bye to him, as soon as she saw Lan zhan coming towards them from afar.  

Just two days before the exams started, Wei ying confirmed the existence of a certain peacock in their university but in a different department. After he was sure that Jin Zixuan was single, he decided that he should pull some strings to let the guy cross paths with his shijie, just to check whether they are destined to be together once again. Of course, no one could force a relationship or love. But if they are really meant for each other, which he personally believed it definitely would be, there is nothing wrong in making them meet a little sooner. 

Wei ying was glad that despite the mismatch in the days of exams for him and his Lan zhan due to the years they were in, fortunately it would end on the same day. Which he could use in his favor to do the drama, as he cannot do the same during their exam days, as it might affect their performance in the test. 

Just like he planned, he submitted his answers soon and sprinted off to Jin Zixuan's department right after he finished the last exam. He took a piece of paper from his pocket and slid it in between the gap of the safety locker after finding the right one. 

Meanwhile Lan zhan arrived at the parking lot and waited for Wei ying to go home. Within a couple of minutes Wei ying joined him, but only not letting him start the engine. He settled in his seat and it was evident for Lan zhan that he was waiting for someone to come. 

"Who are we waiting for?" 

"There" In the direction Wei ying pointed, there was Jin Zixuan, pacing with a sour mood near Jiang household's car.  

Though Lan zhan's brain told him that it must be regarding Yanli, he couldn't put it in place why Zixuan's mood seemed worse. 

Before he could question him, Jiang cheng arrived at the scene and Zixuan didn't wait any moment to snarl and charge at Wei ying's brother. He roughly grabbed Jiang cheng's shirt collars, which put Jiang cheng in a disadvantage as he didn't expect this from a stranger. 


Zixuan's movement lapsed when he heard a voice, a few steps away from him. Jiang cheng used this moment of distraction and pulled himself out from the hold of the rude man. 

"What the h….." 

"Nice to meet you Cheng" 

Zixuan didn't let Jiang cheng finish his sentence, instead greeted like he was a friend, his eyes never leaving Yanli's concerned face. 

"Yayy" Inside the car, Wei ying exclaimed, looking at his plan working out much better than he expected. To his very bad luck, he saw Zixuan showing the content of the paper slip he received to Jiang cheng, and his brother's eyes looking around without wasting a second. 

"Lan zhan, hit the road" Wei ying urged in panic. 

However, Jiang cheng found the car and his willingly retarded brother peeping from inside. Jiang cheng who got all worked up, walked towards the car, and asked Wei ying to get down. 


It was Lan zhan. When Jiang cheng heard Lan zhan's voice calling out to his brother, he instantly looked in all the directions to find the man. 

"...is not here." Lan zhan finished his sentence and started the engine simultaneously, letting his love escape the wrath of the angry lotus. Jiang cheng tsked at the cackling voice of his stupid brother, as the car went past him. 

Behind him were his shijie and the rude psychopath who were talking, not concerned about him at all. Jiang cheng affirmed to himself that no one can be as good as his Xichen ge and felt annoyed about why he keeps running into psychopaths today. 

"Lan zhan, you are getting good at this" Wei ying was still laughing inside the car. 


Wei ying then narrated how he dropped a letter inside Zixuan's locker, using all his talent for profanity with Jiang cheng's car number as a landmark for them to meet up for a duel. 

"Zhfghj kkokmcs shklknvdjkl etyolmgsah jkkkjjfgmmey uijmncgjk

Sghjkkkgfghb yuiokjj. 

Top gun of abc department Jiang cheng" 

Wei ying continued that he wanted to make a strong impression of Zixuan on his shijie. He also justified that he had to use this chance to pay back for Zixuan's annoying attitude towards them in their past life, and so he decided to drop such a letter. 

About why he opted for Jiang cheng's name in the letter, he was sure that his shijie wouldn't accompany him to the parking area, afraid she might run into Lan zhan. That wouldn't be the case if Jiang cheng's identity is used. 

Wei ying finally felt a huge burden lifting off his shoulders. 

After reaching home, Lan zhan noticed Wei ying walking on eggshells and trying to be so good to him. They had marked the next day to be the day to execute their plan against Cong and he didn't know whether his beloved was worried about it.

"Thought you might like it." 

When it's time for bed, Wei ying brought green tea for Lan zhan which he gladly received. 

While Wei ying put his head on Lan zhan's lap, talking to him, waiting for him to finish the tea, Lan zhan took a sip and kept it aside. He opened the bedside table and rummaged through the cabinets looking for something. A moment later Lan zhan touched Wei ying's cheek with a bottle, which Wei ying found to be his favorite liquor which they had hid in their room. 

Wei ying got up immediately and started gulping the liquor from the already opened bottle. He didn't look at Lan zhan until he completely emptied its content. 

A couple of minutes passed and Wei ying widened his eyes in disbelief. 


"Mn. Same." Lan zhan nodded with a tacky smile. 

After Wei ying fell asleep, Lan zhan kissed his forehead and hugged him for a few minutes, taking in the man's sweet fragrance. 

When morning rays invaded the room through the glass windows, Lan zhan was missing in the Lan villa. 

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