15. Comfort

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"Uncle, would you believe me if I say you have such an awe-inspiring vibe, that earlier today when I saw you I started acting like a fool?" 

When Wei ying threw a sugar coated excuse ball towards Qiren, Xichen and Lan zhan for sure would have spilled their food in their mouth, if they were actually having. Wei ying winked at Lan zhan making him chuckle. Xichen coughed, unable to digest this, while Qiren cleared his throat and skipped the question like he didn't hear any of it. But it was clear from his expression that he had excused Wei ying's running. 

Qiren felt relieved that the Jiang family had approved of their love, but when he heard Wei ying tell him about the attack and the possible relation towards his parents death, Qiren fell silent. After a prolonged silence, he assured that they will be together in this, as a family. 

He told him that he would meet his foster parents soon and will discuss the matter. 

"By the way, why were you there on the second floor?"  Qiren wanted an answer before they left for their places. 

"To see Lan zhan" Wei ying didn't hesitate a bit. 

"You are not in the same room in the dorm, are you?" Qiren understood that he cannot leave these two together in a room, looking at the speed they were travelling. 

"No" the couple answered simultaneously. 

Qiren finally felt his heart beating at a normal rate. 

But the couple decided not to be so generous to their uncle's heart. 

Lan zhan had pulled Wei ying closer and printed his lips on the younger male's forehead, before telling him to go to dorms first, as he had things to finish. The scene was so natural that both of them missed to see the wide opened mouth of Qiren. 

'Aren't I deliberate enough, when I asked them about their dorm room, meaning that they can't get too close already?' Qiren didn't know why his smart nephew couldn't grab the meaning. 

"I can't wait to get married, Uncle. Hope I gave you strong signs." Lan zhan had replied to Qiren's inner thought, after Wei ying left. 

"Ge, I have found him and I can see only happiness in our future together, while he is by my side. Now I want you to find the person you love." Lan zhan said, once the brothers were alone. 

"It's too early to discuss that, you know." Xichen replied as if he was not interested. 

"What do you think about Wei ying's brother Jiang cheng? I think you would make a great couple?!" Lan zhan was not ready to let his brother escape today. He had never seen his brother taking initiatives to talk to younger people other than himself and Jiang cheng until Wei ying came into picture. 

Xichen, though who had not seen Jiang cheng in that way before, now when Lan zhan asked him, it didn't sound like a bad idea. 

'Is it love? No. But can I pursue him? Hell, yes.'  

While Xichen was still thinking about the thing his baby brother said, unknowingly his lips curled up. Lan zhan finally felt content. 

Xichen later told Lan zhan the fruitless results of the private investigation, where they couldn't find anything as there were no active CCTV cameras  at the time the incident happened. 

Once Lan zhan reached the dorm, he texted his Wei ying and asked him to meet at the rooftop. Lan zhan thought that Wei ying would vent his sadness to him on his own about his parents death, if he gives space. But even after two full days, that didn't happen. Instead, his baby deer was completely normal with him and others, which isn't normal. Even when he told him over call about the incident, his voice didn't carry an ounce of pain. Wei ying took the attack easily. 

He didn't know that Wei ying is a free spirit who had come from the wild and puts on the camouflage of cheerfulness to hide his pain. Wei ying felt immense pain to know about his parents' sacrifice, even though he knew that it would be something like that, relating it to his previous birth. But it still hurt him to live without the people who loved him the most. 

They didn't get their justice for the horror that happened to them, just because his existence would be found, if the Jiang couple were to file any case against the evil doer. He hadn't figured it out yet, about how to bring the truth to light, without hurting the people who care for him. 

When Lan zhan texted Wei ying, Wei ying was excited that they finally got their private time. 

But what do you expect at the rooftop of a boys dormitory? There were guys everywhere talking over the phone, having fun in groups, some smoking etc. The couple can't blame them. The smokers fled from the spot as soon as they saw Lan zhan. 

The couple sat at an edge dangling their feet in the air, while Lan zhan had his left hand over Wei ying's shoulders. Wei ying didn't mind leaning his head over. 

"You alright?" Lan zhan had to know. 

There was silence. 

"I'll be with you" 


Lan zhan learnt that the cheerful soul expressed its pain through silence. And he was grateful that he was there to share the silence together. 

Lan zhan carried his beloved and placed him on his lap, and Wei ying hugged, snaking his hands. Lan zhan patted the back rhythmically, like putting a baby to sleep. 

No words were spoken for a long time, yet the souls got closer. In the chilly night breeze, the couple felt warmer with time. 

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