5. Playful fate

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During the weekend, Wei ying did not come across anyone special as he spent it with Huaisang, and he also got himself a flute to join the flute classes, which is one of the activities he got himself enrolled for. The other activity being volunteering for which he would gain merits. 

He could have chosen any other musical instrument but the flute is something close to him and good at soothing his mind. About volunteering activity, it was mentioned in the online website that it involves volunteering inside and outside the campus, and they would be sent a message everyday regarding it. 

The only drawback Wei ying felt regarding these activities is that he would have very less time to go grab a breakfast and dinner either in the canteen or the dorms. But that should be okay as long as it serves to benefit the overall idea. 

On monday morning, listening to Jiang cheng cursing him for setting 3 continuous alarms with 5 minutes difference from each, Wei ying got up and freshen up before he made his way to the flute classes, smiling. He in fact felt better that he hit two targets with one alarm, that is to wake up on time, and the other important one is to irritate his dear brother as the first thing of the day. 

It was 6:40 when Wei ying reached the classroom and from a distance he saw a very familiar silhouette. He very much knew that this was not the person he longed to see, however his heart wanted it to be that person. He felt disappointed and at the same time relieved, when he saw Xichen turning to face him. 

Xichen introduced himself as the flute teacher for the session and smiled looking at Wei ying in specific. There were a bunch of students and Wei ying stunned as he heard someone introducing with the name Lan yi. 

'Did everyone jump with us together when we did?' Wei ying was visibly shocked. This was the first time he thought about it. How come everyone from his previous birth is here?! 

He didn't know what mess this would bring in future. For now, he decided he should keep this girl out of Lan zhan's sight. During the end of the session, he felt like someone was staring at him, so he checked at Lan yi and Xichen from time to time, without any luck. 

"Wuxian, Have you had breakfast?" 

As the class ended, Xichen stopped before returning to his private glass room which is at the corner of the class and asked Wei ying. 

"No, Can I join you?" 

Wei ying didn't mind doing that, as Xichen is also a close acquaintance of his and would have always loved spending time with him.  

Wei ying thought that they would be going to the canteen but Xichen called him inside. 

Inside the room was the devil himself, his Lan zhan. Apparently, the glass room has another door to open from the other side, so Lan zhan had brought breakfast for his brother and himself, and had entered the room from behind, so as to not disturb the class.  And since the room was made of one way glass, Wei ying didn't see his Lan zhan until he entered. 

Though it was uneasy in the beginning, Wei ying got used to the space and had the food without showing his dislike for bland taste. 

Fifteen minutes remained for his next class when Wei ying finished. Xichen started a conversation about the likes and dislikes of Wei ying, and as usual the cutie spoke as if there was no end. 

He rushed to the classes without waiting for Lan zhan. 

"Why don't you ask him yourself, Wangji?" Xichen asked, as soon as Wei ying left. 

".... didn't asked you to"

"You did, with your eyes" 

"..."  It's getting late for class" And Lan zhan escaped the conversation. 

At class, since Lan zhan had not been attending classes for one month, he had to sit in the only available seat and Yanli couldn't sit next to him. When asked when they could spend time together, Lan zhan told her that they could meet in the library after classes. To be frank, Lan zhan didn't know what to talk to her and preferred silence. When in the library, being silent is not considered a problem and so it would be easy that way. 

For Wei ying, the day had been pretty good until he went to the library for volunteer work. He saw his Lan zhan next to his shijie and instantly regretted going there. He received the notification to volunteer at the library, by shelving the newly arrived books with two other volunteers. 

Not wanting to interrupt them, he walked through another side and began to start the work, after getting instructed by the librarian. 

He was so involved in work that he didn't realise that one of the other volunteers was Lan yi. 

'World is too small' Wei ying muttered. 

Wei ying thought of making her as an acquaintance in order to divert any possible intervention from her in future. 

He introduced himself to Lan yi in a husky voice and saw her getting flustered before introducing herself with a smile. 

'Not bad' Wei ying thought to himself. 

Lan yi remembered seeing Wei ying in the flute class in the morning and both exchanged their numbers. 

They shelved the books with hush talks when Wei ying received a text notification from his shijie saying

"A'xian, to your 6" 

Wei ying realised he had let his guard down by showing himself to his shijie. He turned, putting his charming smile and surprised expression on face and waved a hi to her. 

To not to be rude, he waved at Lan zhan also, only to find an extra cold human sitting with an abnormal expression. 

The poor Wei ying didn't know that Lan zhan had spotted him a few minutes after he started working, and also had seen Lan yi who had her eyes on Wei ying, way before he introduced him. 

"Isn't that your brother?" Was the first thing he spoke to Yanli in the library, feeling an urge to stop the two idiots from talking to each other, who are causing a huge disturbance to everyone by their hush hush talks. 

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