10. Unreal

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Monday morning, Lan zhan had this glow and light blush on his face, waiting for that one person, after their butterfly night. Usually the person would be here on time for flute class, yet today the person hasn't arrived even after the class has started. 

After half the time, Lan zhan saw him entering the class, and Xichen signalled the other to join. Once the session got over, without them inviting, Wei ying entered the glass room, and Xichen excused himself before leaving them alone to talk, or do more than talking if his baby brother was willing. 

Unlike the previous day, Wei ying had a sarcastic smile lingering on his lips. Lan zhan hadn't given it any deep thought, when the man he thought was his soulmate, advanced closer to him and asked,

"Free tonight?? Let's have some fun, yeah?" 

Lan zhan would have loved it, if not for the casual and non-caring expression the other person carried. 

When Lan zhan didn't respond, another question was shot at him. 

"Dude, you alright? Isn't that what you wanted?" 

Lan zhan's brain provided him with one word that connected to how he was being treated now. 

'A fling' 

He didn't fail to notice the fake expression that didn't match the person's face. 

When Lan zhan remained silent, Wei ying clicked his tongue like he was losing his patience. 

"You know what I want. Come to me, once you realize." Lan zhan replied.

Lan zhan didn't want a relationship to start like this. He didn't know what made the other person think that he is after lust. Was his approach wrong? Should he have told his feelings first? Where did it go wrong before he even started? 

But he sure saw the person melt under his gaze, the last night. There was a sync in their vibe. He can't let the other person take his feelings for granted. He is willing to give the time and space needed for the other person to realize it. 

He made his point clear and started to his classroom without turning back. He would have seen the ghastly face that was immediately stained by tears, if he had turned back at least once. 

Wei ying wiped his tears clean and tried to put on a smile. 

'You did well' He told himself. After all he is his only sympathiser. 

So what went wrong? 

Saturday night 

When the couple parted after Xichen's interruption, unknown to them, there were two pairs of eyes that witnessed this scene. 

Wei ying's walk towards the living room on clouds, ended when he saw the Butler uncle waiting for him. From his expression he knew that he had seen it all. Wei ying suddenly felt like a betrayer. He didn't want others to know about them in this way. Actually he didn't expect his Lan zhan to initiate at all. But poor him, under his husband's loving gaze, he had no control. 

But the butler uncle was calm. He didn't talk about what he saw, instead he talked about something else. 

Something that made him question his integrity. 

"Two years back we were all happy when Lady Yanli introduced her three years long boyfriend to the family. She was so into that crook not knowing his real colors. She was so devastated when she found him cheating on her with several other girls. It took Madam and sir a lot of effort to pull her back into normal life. 

In the last two years, this was the first time she had agreed on a marriage proposal that came. I know I have no say in the family affairs as a servant, however keeping the wellness of the family I serve, I don't want things to go wrong in any way. Please pardon me if I have crossed my limits." 

Wei ying understood that the butler uncle wouldn't have revealed this to any other person, if not for the 12 years long acquaintance. How can he bite the hand that fed him? How can he cause any pain to his shijie? Is this how one should pay back for a family that gave them everything?  

Wei ying smiled bitterly that he forgot about the fact that he didn't have the right to be happy in this lifetime. He forgot this when he saw his husband's possessive desire and the eyes that declared that he belonged to him. 

On Sunday, before anyone got up, Wei ying had gone back to the dorms. He couldn't face anyone. He needed to keep a full stop to his personal emotions, in order for others to be happy. 

'What about my Lan zhan?' This question had no answer. He hadn't decided on how to deal with his husband until the next morning. He felt like dropping out of the extra curricular activity classes to avoid the other. But avoiding will make the other look for him even more. So he cannot do that. Putting on a drama and dealing with it straight would cause less pain to his Lan zhan. 

Hence he put on a fuckboy facade in front of his beloved, to make him hate. When he saw his man's expression of his behavior, he knew that the other was disappointed in him. However he would continue to do this, until he succeeded in making him regret. 

He had hope in his mind that, after all this life lesson crap gets over, they would meet in the afterlife as soulmates. He wished he could get to that point soon. 

Wei ying maintained his facade until he reached the classroom, not wanting to get caught by Xichen. 

He then texted Lan yi, that they should meet up for a coffee, when she is free. He didn't take huaisang's gaze on his phone seriously while he texted this. 

"Reporting to idol- plans to meet Lan yi for coffee. Time undecided." 

Huaisang had sent a message. 

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