25. Hero vs Villain

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In a flash, the entire place was sweeped and the humans were moved to a new place under the control of Lan yi and group. Wei ying couldn't deduce the place as his eyes were tightly closed during transport and the room looked completely normal for the previous basement. 

'slap' 'slap' 'slap' 

Lan yi responded to Hui shen's calling with continuous slaps, that looked like venting the deep feelings. 

"Bastard, do you have any idea how many voluntary resources you spoiled?" 


"Since you are dumb not to realise why I brought you here, let me explain.

For the past three years for all the possible slaves I could have traded for money, you abducted or threatened each and every one of them and sent them away. 

(Lan yi pulls Hui shen's hair to show her displeasure) 

"If not for the damn Sanren group backing you up, I would have shipped you already."

(Lan yi smiles)

"But you know what, I don't care about that anymore. Thanks to your information, I know no one can help you this time. You should be in prison right now as per records, yet you are here. Who will your uncle contact this time? He cannot register a complaint nor will he know who couriered you." 

Hui shen instantly regretted explaining things about his escape from police and his parallel plan of kidnapping Wei ying, while he brought Lan yi to their spot. 

Meanwhile Lan yi's father came along with a few other guys, and took Hui shen's guards away. So only Hui shen and Wei ying remained with Lan yi in the room. 

"Wuxian darling, I thought I had lost you. But glad this stupid brought you here before your wedding night. You do know how vast the difference would it be for a fresh and used product right?" 

"But Is there any rule that one cannot make love before marriage, you brainless?" 

Wei ying replied, shuddering Lan yi's fingers that were trying to caress his face. At least he could try disappointing her by making up. 

"Remove his clothes and check" 

Lan yi snapped her fingers and ordered someone. 

"Hey.. I was just kidding" 

Wei ying revealed not wanting to show himself to others. 

"Next time I won't be easy on you." Lan yi replied. 

With the things happening, Wei ying remembered coming across an article that talked about an anonymous group specialized in human trafficking, majorly targeting orphans. 

A man or human from the said group would approach the target in a friendly or romantic way, and once they are sure that the target trusts them completely, they would abduct and ship them. Orphans are easy targets since no thick strings are attached to them, as per the group's ideology. In Lan yi's trick, she tried love initially which didn't help her, later she used a sick mother act to bring Wei ying to trust her.

But Wei ying didn't get why Lan yi chose him as a target, as he had two families with him. 

"Be easy on your brain Wuxian. Beautiful things have their own value in the market. A man with beauty, who wouldn't want it. I just wanted to give it a try. But since Shen kidnapped you, everyone will be searching for him or in this situation his uncle. I got you, as well as cleared the field by taking shen with you." 

But what didn't match up was how the group found Lan yi as soon as Hui shen brought her. 

"Rest today guys. Be nice to my group and they will treat you well. I have got classes tomorrow, gotta sleep." 

At the old office building 

Cong Sanren who waited for Hui shen's call of confirmation for almost an hour, gave up on waiting and ordered his chauffeur to take him to a certain address. A white car followed his car from behind, which he failed to notice. He reached there and found the place empty. 

He dialled Hui shen's number and then the guards numbers, losing his patience seconds by seconds. 

"Did that dumb kid call you?" He put his wife on the line and questioned her. 

"I told you he is useless, he is gone without trace with my newly popped up nephew. He requested that he does this task, saying my nephew is an acquaintance. Consider him dead, for what he has done" 

He shouted in one go and ended the call without listening to what his wife had to say. 

When he took a step to return, he received a strong kick, attacking his stomach with extreme force that made him fall down on the floor. He clutched his stomach, groaning in pain and his face turned black looking at the man in front of him. 

"If I ever find a scratch on my Wei ying, consider yourself dead." 

Lan zhan's veins twitched from looking at the scumbag. 

"I will kill him If I find him" 'aggghh..' (Cong coughs out blood) 

Xichen who was handling Cong Sanren's chauffeur, came on time to stop his brother from becoming a murderer. 

"Let's see who is gonna find him first." Cong challenged and speed dialled a number to call for help. 

Xichen pulled Lan zhan back to their car and advised that it was not time to waste on a scumbag but rather they should use it on finding Wei ying. 

Earlier when Lan zhan started the car engine from Lan villa, he didn't have any idea where to go. He remembered the last time when Hui shen did this, but he knew that the maniac was still in prison. The only other enemy Wei ying had was Cong Sanren. Hence he asked his brother to google the man's address and followed his instincts to look for him. Xichen informed his uncle during the trip. By the time they were about to park their own car, they noticed a luxury car coming out of the house and followed it hoping it would take him to his Wei ying. 

Post his treatment to Cong, Lan zhan started the car from the old building and took his course towards the police station, where Hui shen was said to be kept by the police officers. 

Before this incident, they thought that Cong was unaware of Wei ying's existence, so they did not try to confront him. But now they can go straight against Cong without holding back. 

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