38. Routine

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Wei ying had a quality sleep last night. He would usually have to wake up early for university, but their vacation just started and so he felt extremely relaxed today. He was indeed relaxed, until he remembered his Lan zhan. 

"Lan zhan!!" 

Wei ying's face, which had a lazy smile spread across his lips, dissipated and was replaced by instant fear. He shot up from bed clutching his hair. 

The first thing he saw was his son, lying next to him. He remembered something while looking at his son and his eyesight moved to the bedside table. He let out a sigh of relief, when he saw the tea cup with green tea untouched. It became sure that Xing didn't taste the tea he made. 

Wei ying doesn't know why his brain stops working whenever he does something to trick his husband. Though he lost to Lan zhan in the deal, he still believed he could stop him without asking him, which he could partially say by means of cheating. According to their agreed plan, Lan zhan must set out from home to achieve something the next morning, which is today. 

What if Wei ying could leave before Lan zhan, without Lan zhan noticing? Lan zhan wouldn't have any chance but to wait for Wei ying right! And that was exactly Wei ying's plan. To leave while Lan zhan was sleeping. But he was very sure that no way in hell he could leave Lan zhan while he was asleep, as his husband was not a normal human. He is someone who could feel Wei ying's micro movements even when he is in deep sleep. 

That was why, last night he prepared the tea with sleeping pills, to leave in peace. Since he saw his husband taking a sip of the prepared tea, he let his guard down and immersed himself in babbling. It was then his Lan zhan offered him his favorite liquor like a fellow samaritan. 

He didn't doubt anything until he felt extremely sleepy after drinking the liquor. Wei ying then realised that his husband had used the same trick on him in return. 


"Mn. Same" He even smiled at him tackily before the angel of sleep dragged him into dreamland. 

Lan zhan, being an ardent lover of herbal and green tea for more than a century, had figured it out as soon as the tea touched the very tip of his tongue. To confirm, he checked the bedside table cabinet and found the new bottle of sleeping pill which he had never opened, unsealed. 

So he had no choice but to put his beloved to sleep, in order to do what he must be doing as a soulmate, to protect his love. 

Wei ying assessing everything in his head, picked Xing and rushed out of his room to enquire about Lan zhan to the family, and was greeted by Xichen in the mid way. 

"Lan zha.." 

"Yeah, I know Wuxian. He informed me before he started from home" 


"That he has an assignment to finish and asked me to take good care of you." 


"Let's have breakfast after you freshen up." Xichen patted Wei ying's shoulder before going down the stairs. 

This was also better for the family. If they had known, they would try to get involved. Which cannot happen as Wei ying cannot reveal the secret of yin metal, that would require him to tell them about previous birth etc etc. 

Cong who had already got all better, was basking under the sun, in his garden. It was evening, and he had a smile when his phone alerted him of an incoming call. That too from the very person he wanted to meet. 

Early morning in Cong's home. 

Cong heard a knock on the bedroom door and he asked his guards to scram off, as it was still morning to take care of other things. 

The sound didn't stop and he had to wake up. He opened the door annoyed, but was blessed with a treat before his eyes. The bait he needed was presented in front of eyes, for use. 

Lan Wangji struggled in the hands of four guards. 

Cong was told that they caught Lan Wangji inside the vault room where important documents were stored. They didn't know how he made his way till the vault though. 

"Release my Lan zhan right now!" The screeching voice broke Cong from the trance and the sound gave discomfort to his ear. He moved the device a little further from his profile and turned on the speaker. 

"Why do you think he is with me?" Cong let out a dubious smile. 

"Of course you are the only ass in the country who never gets tired of making things hard for me." 

Since morning none of Wei ying's calls to Lan zhan were returned and he knew that his Lan zhan must have got caught. 

"Just say it in your own accord and I shall release him" 

Wei ying knew what this dgjkaiyk wanted him to say. 

"Let me see him first." Wei ying negotiated. 

"Not in video call. But in person. Exchange should be fair." 

Cong ended the call after agreeing. He told Wei ying that he will decide the venue and time and notify in a while. 

He felt happy getting closer to his goal and in an attempt to lift his mood, he made his way towards the storage room attached to the wine cellar. Finally he had what it takes to achieve his goal. Lan Wangji, the most treasured person of his nephew. 

Inside the storage room Lan zhan was sitting on the floor, next to a barrel, his limbs tied. 

He was not alone, there were several guards, since it was an important mission from their boss. Among them, two of the faces, Lan zhan, remembered to be Hui shen's lackeys. Looked like they were made to serve under a new boss. 

When Lan zhan was brought inside the storage room, the two lackeys of Hui shen hesitated a bit, but informed the actual guards of Cong that this man is not an easy one. They also told them that he is good at attacks as they have previously experienced it. However Cong's guards mocked the two for not having enough strength, making them shut their mouths. 

The two, without any option, didn't speak any further. But they knew who must have caught whom, looking at the bruises and red patches all over the exposed skin of Cong's guards. 

Lan zhan smirked, in the corner. 

' Wei ying, Cong is brainless like you said.' 

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