4. Aimless wings

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"Actually Wangji agreed to come, knowing the reason. It indirectly means he agrees" Qiren added. 

Infact Lan zhan was made to choose between the one option which his uncle gave. It was not a request to come,but he was informed that they are visiting the Jiang's to talk about Lan zhan's marriage. 

Jiang cheng felt awkward at this point. 

"How about giving them their time to get to know each other better. It would be easier that way since both are in the same class this year." Xichen came for his baby brother's rescue, reading the confusion on the golden eyes. 

"Mn" came the reply. 

For a second, Wei ying felt that his Lan zhan, I mean, Lan zhan looked at him when he answered. 

Elders happily agreed. Wei ying was relieved that he dropped his plan of working hard to jump one year ahead. 

Not able to stay there any longer, Wei ying informed Jiang cheng and his foster parents that he is leaving. He politely refused when the family asked him to stay for the weekend saying he had work to do. 

Unwilling to let him go just like that, Fengmian asked his butler to let his chauffeur take his son to the university. 

"Uncle Jiang, we would be happy to give Wuxian a ride. It happens that me and wangji are going there as well. You see, Wangji is attending classes starting this coming week." 

Wei ying on the other hand, had no excuse to escape this twisted fate. After spending another half an hour in the residence, the Lan brothers along with Wei ying started the journey. 

Xichen drove the car, as their chauffeur drove his uncle home. Wei ying sat at the back seat hoping Lan zhan would be taking the passenger seat, however Xichen asked Lan zhan to give company. 

'can it get any worse?' Wei ying didn't know. 

The initial fifteen minutes the three were silent, and Wei ying almost stuck like glue to the one side door, leaving a huge space in between his Lan zhan. He thought that it would be wrong to even look at his Lan zhan in this setting with his shijie. 

"Did you mean it?" It was neither Xichen nor Wei ying but Lan zhan who asked the question. 

"En?" Xichen asked, confused. 

"To you…." 

"Wei wuxian" Wei ying gave his name to finish. 

"Is it true Wei wuxian? About what you said earlier?" Lan zhan probed for an answer. 

"......Mn..Shijie likes you and so I li-like you" Wei ying did what he is best at, to hide his feelings. 

"Shijie is the most loving and warm person you will ever see." Wei ying decided that he shouldn't be the cause of his dear shijie's pain, thus he said the facts. 

"That's true. We have known her since childhood. Infact Wangji's only requirement to marry is to be gentle like our late mother." Xichen added with a smile, however he himself is not sure about what went wrong with his baby brother. 

As it continued, Wei ying and Xichen became comfortable talking to each other about general topics and finally reached the destination. During this time Lan zhan didn't feel anything close to comfort but listened eagerly to the conversation. 

Xichen bid his bye, and Wei ying with Lan zhan walked through the dark road arched by cherry blossoms on both the sides, leading to the dorms. 

It is a medium rise building and neither of them spoke until they reached it. Wei ying didn't accompany Lan zhan any further and started off with full charge, saying goodnight, not wanting to know the room number or floor of his soulmate. He was sure that he would knock on Lan zhan's door at night by sleepwalking, if he were to know. 

Lan zhan stood still for a few seconds on the same spot before leaving to his allotted room. 

Wei ying laid down on the bed and buried his face on the pillow as soon as he entered the room. 

His phone vibrated twice with two minutes of difference and those are the texts from his shijie and Jiang cheng. 

"A'xian, text once you reach" 

"Ask huaisang to accompany, if you don't wish to be alone" 

The saved tears that Wei ying had controlled in the past two hours, flowed freely through his cheeks and he wailed, breaking his restraints. 

After a while, Wei ying got up from bed and enrolled himself in an extracurricular activity, one each in morning and evening everyday to avoid having free time. This way, even if he wishes to see his Lan zhan any one of the days, going insane, he won't have the time to. 

Five minutes after the clock struck 10, Wei ying heard a knock on the door. Wei ying didn't move an inch and laid down like a log, not responding. 

"Switch off the light, it's past 10, Sleep time as per rule 102 of dorm students manual" 

Wei ying's body stiffened on hearing the voice. 

He switched off the light in an instant and sighed. 

'He is still the same' 

Unknown to Wei ying, in the opposite room lay a handsome young man with golden eyes. 

Being perfect in everything, the handsome has always preferred ruly things that are gentle. When his uncle proposed Yanli's name to him, he didn't have any reason to decline as he himself knew that no one could match his mother's energy more than her. 

However he didn't know why he hesitated when he was asked to answer before everyone earlier today. 

He also couldn't get the thoughts of the unruly hair that didn't look like it was combed for at least the last one week, yet looked beautiful, the guffaw that carried the innocence of a baby and a playful face that reminded him of all the good things in the world, out of his head. 

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