Chapter 11 | "Stay With Me"

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---- Flashback----

The field of pastel pink and white peonies stretched on for as far as the eye could see. The palate of the hues amongst the grassy green vines was a wonder field for a child.

It stretched the imagination of a magical land before the tiny bouncing child that moved through the fields.

She had peacefully picked her favourite peonies from the endless garden for her mother that morning while her father tended to duties back on Isadora with her brother.

That was where the daughter of the two worlds, a child with two white, blonde pigtails adorned on her head, was curious about a glowing light that appeared in one of the peonies.

Tilting her head, sky blue eyes had watched the shimmer of the crystal reflect off from the sun, humming to her to touch it.

The naïve child stretched her manicured tiny fingers and grasped the glowing beacon of light. Instantly in a blast of force, the crystal pulsated in a rhythm of magic, exploding outwards, signalling its presence against her worlds.

---End Flashback ----

Sera's brows furrowed at the memory, the compression of the weight of the rubble had been unbearable at this stage, and while her world had crumbled down around her, she knew that she had been buried beneath the devastation of the attack.

Acutely aware of her situation, her chest compacted with a heavyweight; it took all her powers to inhale as much air as possible while she was still conscious in this world.

The next thing she became aware of was the cool sensation running down her temple, reaching all the way to her neck. The liquid gradually seeped off her neck and onto her dirty clothing.

She could hear people's footsteps scrambling around her. She could feel it.

"Where is everyone? I'm right here!" the inner suppressed voice was raging, "why are you just fucken standing there? I'm right here!"

The pain travelled along her body as the weight against her chest bore down heavier and heavier as time continued, but it didn't bother her. She had survived much worse than this.

Right now, however, she needed to get herself clear of this rubble and find her loved ones. Then find a way into the eastern border to snap the neck of that treacherous woman that sparked the onset of a new war with them all.

More feet passed close to her, and she found her strangled voice trying to find some form of air to intake to scream out so that they could hear her.

The dirt against her cords rubbed roughly, immediately causing her to gag.

Knowing it wasn't going to help her, the free hand that was loose beneath the rocks compared to her right was pushing its way upwards.

Desperately reaching out to anyone that could see her movement, by grace, that's when she heard his voice.

Finally... someone she prayed for, had found her.

"Medic's now!" the voice was irate and nervous; it boomed as the pain pummelled into her brain.

Her body suddenly conceded that it was failing her. It no longer mattered what was happening above the rubble; Sera wanted nothing more than to have all the pressure and pain alleviated from her.

She would give anything to erase the agony she had been feeling. Her brain had registered the inevitable situation again; it registered the attack against her home, against her family, against her friends.

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