Chapter 127 | The Motherlode

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As Eko rolled over in Matthew's bed, she nestled into the soft embrace of pillows and the comforting weight of the duvet cover. She lingered in a state of half-sleep, her senses attuned to the anticipated return of her boyfriend. The soft rhythm of the storm outside had lulled her into a sense of peace, but that tranquility was abruptly shattered by a sudden, palpable pulse of power and the sickeningly sweet voice that echoed from the office.

Startled awake, Eko sprang up with a jolt, nearly tumbling out of bed in her frenzied rush. Her heart pounded as she scrambled to gather her thoughts, the unsettling energy in the air fueling her urgency. Tumbling over her feet, she searched desperately for her underwear, while the storm unleashed its fury outside. Brilliant streaks of lightning illuminated the room, casting fleeting bursts of light across the furniture. The thunder's roar reverberated with primal force, shaking the building's very foundations as the rain pelted the windows with relentless intensity.

Slipping her undies on, she rushed to the nearby chair where one of Matthew's white cotton t-shirts lay draped. She threw it over her head, the oversized shirt barely covering her ass, but there was no time to care. 

As Eko burst from the confines of the hallway, the sight that greeted her sent a chill down her spine. Matthew stood with his back to her, his sword raised, every muscle in his body tense and ready. He looked like a warrior preparing for battle. Her eyes darted from him to the woman who had invaded their sanctuary—a stranger with raven hair cascading down her petite frame, her long black dress swirling around her like a living shadow. The woman's skin was strikingly pale, almost ghostly, and she moved with an unsettling, restless energy, pacing the length of Matthew's office as if the room itself could barely contain her.

Eko's voice was a low growl as she advanced toward Matthew, her own Catania sword materializing in her grip, the familiar weight of it bringing her a sliver of comfort in the chaos. "Who the fuck is this?" she demanded, her gaze locked onto the intruder.

Matthew's response came as a tense hiss, his attention never wavering from the woman. "No idea. Stay close to me, babe."

A thousand thoughts raced through Eko's mind, each one more troubling than the last. Her heart pounded in her chest, her senses on high alert. The woman in black radiated a power that was dark and unfamiliar, and Eko's instincts screamed that this was no ordinary threat.

She inched closer to Matthew, her eyes never leaving the woman. Whatever was about to happen, it was clear it wouldn't end well. The air around them seemed to thicken with tension, and it was then that the woman's voice cut through the silence, sickly sweet and laced with conviction. "You see, we're not the enemy here. You're too young and too naïve to comprehend the stakes at hand."

Eko's powers, fueled by her rising anxiety, had inadvertently sent out a signal, alerting the other warriors to the situation. Within moments, Eko and Matthew found themselves encircled by their friends, all still dressed in their attire from the previous night, looking disheveled and weary from the celebration.

Toni, Richie, Mya, Jesse, and Jasmine appeared, each wearing expressions of concern and readiness despite their bedraggled appearances. Their attention immediately locked onto the woman, whose dark magic was palpable, sending waves of unease through their senses.

"What's going on here?" Toni demanded, his sword materializing in his hand, ready for action.

The woman's response was chilling, her lips curling into a sadistic smile. "Education," she said, the word dripping with malice.

Matthew stepped forward, trying to take control of the situation. "Let's start with an introduction first," he suggested, attempting to maneuver Eko behind him for protection.

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