Chapter 14 | Backseat Of My Mind

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---- Flashback ----

Fire rained everywhere; it made it unbearable to see anything in front of her. The raining ash from the broken skies above consumed her body and soul. Her view hazed her home, a home that was alight in terror and flames. A home that was deemed a cost in this war, another home that had been taken from her.

Shaking knees had been buckling from the intensity of the consistent running; the relentless explosions consumed her senses, piercing them with every loud rumble it made on impact. Her legs won't move any faster than this; hallway after hallway, there were bloodied and ripped-apart bodies at her feet that she jumped over.

Stepped over.

Side stepped over.

Sera inhaled deeply at the stench that filled her. In fear of her world of the slain and butchered bodies, she nearly fell to her knees at the sheer brutality. The more she moved along the halls, the more violent and blood-ridden it had become.

Another loud explosion rumbled the walls. It brought her from her moment of grief, and she turned towards where she had come from. The squawking of the reapers had been in the immediate distance, a threat she did not want to take on. There were too many monsters to take on alone, sky blue eyes assessed, and she didn't have a death wish, not just yet.

Hurriedly, she picked herself up from the ground and bolted the way she had been originally going. Faster than before. She had to be faster than them all. It was a non-negotiable option to getting caught.

The shouting piqued her attention suddenly, and diverting her course, she followed it. The shouting from the men was the kind that gave directions; they had a game plan, but it wasn't the shouting where they were being slaughtered. No, they fought back.

She broke faster towards them; she needed to get into the middle to understand what any of this was. The chaos of tangled blonde erupted in the apocalyptic grand halls, and the situation unravelled faster than she could grasp onto. Her attention was drawn to the ceiling above her that had been missing and the firestorm of the night sky in her view.

Confused, her senses sharpened intently; she watched the escape pods charge overhead, trying to escape the carnage of the attacks. One by one, the aircraft and cargo ships roared, chased down by energy balls firing in their direction. Some had hit as a direct target. Others were propelled off their course and back down to the ground of the moon, and others managed to escape.

Her breath rattled, and she inhaled deeply. She knew she needed to refocus, and her attention snapped from the apocalyptic skies to the shouting in front of her. The reality greeted her next to the tens of bodies that had been giving the soldiers directions. Knocked about as the soldiers disbursed, her shoulder had been barged and then pushed. She had been shoved to the side as the soldiers, continued in a frenzied panic, had run past her.

"Serraaa!" Madison was hysterical in her senses.

She turned in enough time to have her hand snatched forward, Madison turned Sera's wrist, and her cousin engaged the device to mask her real appearance. Brunette replaced blonde, her scars smoothed over, and she had felt herself being dragged from the halls. The burst of air into the open world immobilized her senses. Instantly the smoke filled her lungs as they desperately continued to descend the steps to the upheaved courtyard.

"We need to find a pod! Madison screamed.

"You need to find one! Find Mama! Keep her safe! I can stop them, Maddy; I want you to get out of here!"

Madison grabbed onto her cousin; she clutched the woman before her, terror-stricken in every aspect at what this meant for them. "Kill them all, Sera!" those golden green eyes were filled with anguish, and she knew this feeling. She knew how Madison felt. It's what they all felt fifteen years ago, and now, here it was for them all over again. Instead of the fear, she felt back then, this time, there was unadulterated anger. She would make them pay.

"I'll find you, Mads! Be safe!"

There had been noise around her; she couldn't place what it was or where it exactly came from, but she felt Madison's release and watched as her cousin broke towards the loading pods. Turning, she encountered a monster, a ghastly three-headed agile reptilian creature.

Sera drew the dagger from the inside of the figure-hugging pants she had tucked away when the palace shook violently. Her instincts were natural to be on the defence. Her enemy should have known by now that she had been faster than them, more cunning, and always had been since she could harness the crystal, and it didn't take her long to dispose of the creature that ambushed her.

She held the advantage at this point and knew like the back of her hand what her opponents would try to use against her. They forgot how agile and quick on her feet she had become over the years. Having pirouetted through her enemies, they dropped dead at her feet, and she stopped when there was another loud explosion above her that caught her off guard. Sky blue snapped upwards in time to watch the raining remnants of her home crumble down on top of her before her world went black.

---- ----

Sera startled awake at the memory, lucid for a moment. It was utterly quiet, warm, but quiet and she continued to stare at the ceiling. The whiteness of the infirmary was evident, it wasn't a dream, and she wasn't back home in her bed.

She was here at the Isadorian base, and her home was decimated. That was the very fact of reality at the moment that she was forced to deal with.

Brushing the brunette locks back from her chest, her senses had been heightened when she felt another presence near her. Rolling her head, immediately she was welcomed by a visitor who had been staring at her from the chair at her bedside.

The same soldier that saved her from beneath the rubble.

She wasn't sure how long he had been there; she dozed off after the doctor returned with her medications and some tolerable enough food. She knew she was in a very unladylike position when she passed out.

God, please; the universe couldn't have hated her this much to have snored as well with this god-like creature in the room; there was only one way to find out.

"Commander Skarsgard," she greeted the man that nodded to her, "how long have you been creeping there?"

"Commander Skarsgard," she greeted the man that nodded to her, "how long have you been creeping there?"

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VOTEEEEE ... I know you've been waiting for this...

If you don't vote- they die

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If you don't vote- they die


JOKESSSS lol .... maybe...

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