Chapter 176 | The Mother Of All Betrayals

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There is no decision that we can make that doesn't come with some sort of balance or sacrifice. 

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Matthew's heart pounded erratically in his chest as the creatures surged towards them with ferocity, seizing the opportunity when Isis's attention wavered. He darted away from her, desperate to evade the impending electro pulse aimed at him. Time was of the essence; he needed a moment to strategize. With swift movements, he engaged the creatures at their feet, buying himself the precious time he needed to plan their next move. As his mind raced, he just needed a plan to dismantle the barrier separating him from his wife, determined to save her at any cost.

With each monster running directly for him, Matthew found himself engulfed in the chaos of battle, leaving little time to assess the situation of his fellow warriors. Amidst the flurry of combat, he caught fleeting glimpses of Vause and Richie, swiftly maneuvering across the battlefield much like himself.

Occasionally, he spotted flashes of Jesse's red hair as she fended off her own attackers, her determination evident even amidst the fray. Yet, just as quickly as he registered her presence, she would disappear from view again as another youma closed in.

In the midst of the melee, Mya remained steadfast by his side, barricaded against more monsters, providing support in the heat of battle. Suddenly, Jasmine materialized beside them, her unexpected appearance adding a momentary respite as it allowed three on one with a behemoth.

"MATTHEW!" Eko's piercing screams reverberated through the chaos, her hands tangled in her hairline. The sound of her anguish struck Matthew like a physical blow, leaving him feeling utterly powerless. Each cry felt like a dagger to his heart, threatening to push him to the brink of insanity. Amidst the turmoil, he caught glimpses of Isis pacing with a chilling smirk, her eyes fixed on the warriors until they settled on him.

The sight of her smile filled Matthew with another surge of fury, but his focus was torn between Eko's cries and the menacing figure of Cid standing there. For Eko and Teshia knelt before him, electricity coursing through their bodies, their screams echoing in the air.

"Come on, little boy," Matthew could almost feel Isis's mocking words like a chill down his spine, unsettling his senses. The threat hung heavy in the air, instilling a deep sense of unease within him. He couldn't shake the sinking feeling that something terrible was on the horizon, that this time, they wouldn't emerge unscathed.

In the midst of battle, as he swung his weapon at yet another youma, Matthew's thoughts were abruptly derailed by the sudden silence that fell over the chaos. The Sorceress's laughter ceased, replaced by a commanding clap of her hands. Instantly, her minions obeyed, halting their onslaught against the warriors. It was a moment of eerie stillness amidst the chaos of war.

The sudden halt in the battle left them all disoriented, weapons raised and chests heaving with exertion. They watched in disbelief as the creatures retreated, revealing the Sorceress in all her eerie glory.

Protected by the barrier, she glided along its edge with an unsettling grace, her slender figure moving with a casual sway. As she approached the warriors, a sinister smile played across her lips, her long black fingers interlacing in a sinister fashion.

Matthew's gaze flickered between Eko and Teshia, still confined to their knees with their foreheads pressed to the ground.

"You can stop now, stop, stop, stop," Isis giggled, her voice unnervingly light. "Stop, stop, stop," she repeated, finding amusement in the chaos that surrounded them. Her laughter rang out, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the warriors' spines.

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