Chapter 70 | Night-time | Was The World Against Jesse?

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"Okay, the books and accounts are done, and what did Cid want anyway when you saw him?" Jesse had been with Matthew that entire evening after all the other soldiers had either been at study, training or asleep by this stage. "Also, did you see Mya for your appointment as well?" Jesse leaned back against the booth, observing the remaining stragglers coming and going from the cafeteria.

Matthew nodded taking another sip of his coffee, "appointment went fine." For the man, today was another day in a long list of days that were to come. Between working out the logistics of this new war, balancing the accounts with Jesse for the programs they wanted to implement. The current shortage of room due to the influx of new bodies, he had been poked and prodded with Mya for his routinely health checks.

Then they had council meetings that he had found himself in that afternoon and then dealing with his endearing fan club, and their endless attempts that day. He didn't know how much more he could take of the day.

"Cid had suggestions on who should receive the crystals," Matthew half scoffed, taking another sip of his coffee. He felt the energy kicking in, but relief filled him instead of sleep. "Jesse, trusting someone with this power... I don't like it, even if I'm agreeing to it."

"You and me both," Jesse said, drinking the tea she had ordered instead of coffee. "This has been a head-fuck of an event. Ezra has decimated the court, the moon is in shambles, and we're going to swear in a new king or queen this time next year?"

Matthew dropped his head to the table, muttering, "it's going to get a whole lot worse before this gets better, you know that, right? I can only imagine where we're gonna be in a year from now."

"Aren't you full of wisdom this evening?" Jesse responded, taking another sip of her tea. She watched as more soldiers left the cafeteria.

"I am always full of wisdom, Jesse," Matthew said, raising his head to look at her.

Jesse imitated his voice, "I'm always full of wisdom," rolling her eyes.

"Have you eaten?"

Jesse lowered her drink, "does it look like I've fucken eaten today?"

Matthew could only crack a smile at her bipolar attitude that night. "Drink your tea, it always calms you," then his attention was drawn to someone entering the cafeteria

As he watched, he grew curious about the woman's behaviour. She looked around the large, glass-walled hall as if searching for someone before her eyes finally rested on the person she was looking for.

Eko made her way towards the table, and Jesse was completely unaware of her presence until she took a seat at their table. Jesse peered up from her tea and studied the brunette-haired woman, who was dressed quite differently. Something seemed out of place, and Jesse squinted, trying to figure out what it was.

Was it the eyeliner? The glossy lips, her hair was tied back, neater then she had seen it before.

Then, the words "I can't pay" dropped so seductively, and Eko eyed down the man in front of her, who suddenly realized what was happening. He folded his arms as if annoyed, and Jesse gripped her tea, wondering what the hell was going on between these two. Matthew's annoyance heightened her senses.

"You're telling me you can't, or won't?" he asked Eko in a slightly menacing tone.

Eko cowered at the tone in his voice and shook her head slowly, "I just need a few more days."

"More days for what?" Jesse interjected at the way Eko was behaving. "Matthew what's going on?"

"I'm ready for it now, Eko. Not in a few more days." His eyes swept over her, he always looked at her like that. Like he wanted her entire self, and she knew what he wanted to hear.

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