Chapter 61 | September 19th | In For The Kill

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Timeline - September 19th | (3 Days Later)

The warriors had appeared in one of the cities far south into the high Cayan Mountains, the Snow poured around them, and the burnt-out old, decayed academy had sat in the distance, still abandoned from an attack years ago.

It was not the night that either of them had imagined; Jesse formed a large enough power ball together, swinging it towards the creatures they had found causing havoc in the town that had nearly been exterminated because of their enemy.

"They're just coming out of nowhere- it's a joke!" Jesse screamed, irritated, firing countless more energy hits at the critters that continued to come after them.

She turned; briefly, her magic swirled in the tips of her fingers, ready to take on whatever was next. Watching as Toni and Richie had been slaying the larger monsters, their Commander took on a larger scaly beast that was, it seemed, ordering the rest of the minions to attack.

"What is taking you so long!?" then it was Snow's voice that snapped, annoyed, driving her sword into one of the beast's hind legs, and Matthew's consciousness immediately knew who it was; he almost clenched at the sound.

"And you're doing what here? Being a nuisance as per usual?" his tone dripped with acidity as his blade cleanly severed the monster's head and it thudded to the ground. The enigmatic mercenary clad in black armor and an aura of death lingered, her attention fixating on the man who had blood pouring at his feet. 

If Snow's gaze could penetrate her headgear, it would radiate contempt. Suppressing the urge to retaliate with violence, she skillfully combined her swords, transforming them into an elongated steel staff.

"You're really fucken annoying me tonight," she hissed, causing Matthew to step over the monster, making his way towards her with a lethal grace.

Their masked faces were now inches apart, both identities concealed by headgear. The air crackled with the intensity of their close proximity, and tempers flared.

He burned with the desire to violently strip that mask from her face, unveiling her after years of concealment.  The ultimate goal was to track her down, confront her and smack the hell out of her mouth for all the nuisance she had ever caused him.

"The same could be said about you," he retorted, matching her bitterness with a tone of his own.

"Mark me; I would let you suffer if a monster got a hold of you. I wouldn't even bat an eyelid if it was trying to kill you!" Snow towered over him, her words dripping with disdain, hoping the world would swallow him whole.

"And I would gladly make sure I put you before a monster to save even a dirty parasite. Their life is more salvageable than yours!"

"A parasite!" she hissed, shocked.

"Actually! I wouldn't save your life even if I had to save my own," he gritted his teeth. "I fucken despise you!"

"You're a disgusting waste of space!"

Matthew clasped his hands together, bringing them pray-like to his lips almost, contemplating his words. "I am trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, Snow, I really am, but I just can't get my head that far up my fucken ass!"

"And if you don't shut your mouth right at this very moment, then the next thing to come out of it will be your fucken teeth!"

"Well, how 'bout you go fuck—"

"Guys, enough. Can you both wait until we're done!" Toni's scream echoed across the field as he swiftly severed the body of a critter that lunged at him unexpectedly.

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