Chapter 132 | Bumper Cars & The Fortune Cookies

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The bumper cars collided, sending everyone jostling across the arena. Laughter and excited screams filled the air. The group was caught up in the joy of the moment, enjoying several rounds in the arena. The creative twist Jasmine had added to the festival theme for this particular fundraiser had been a pleasant surprise, leading to a fantastic turnout.

Participants from various regions had come together, rallying behind the event's goal of raising funds for critical infrastructure projects. The usual sponsors, along with their families, were present, making this a much-needed opportunity to inject some joy into the lives of civilians who had been affected by the ongoing turmoil of war.

"You can't do that!" Eko's indignant shout echoed through the bumper car arena, her voice cutting through the noise. From the sidelines, Jasmine watched with amusement as the gang found themselves caught in a fierce bumper car battle.

"CHEATER!" Eko's accusation rang out, causing a ripple of laughter to spread through the crowd, the playful energy infectious.

Matthew, wearing a smirk, was momentarily caught off guard as Eko rammed into his bumper car, her laughter ringing out joyfully. He quickly spun his car around, a determined grin on his face, and retaliated by slamming into her car with a satisfying thud.

"Hey, no fair!" Eko protested, though her wide grin betrayed her enjoyment of the game.

"Run, Eko, RUN!" Mya shouted from the sidelines, urging Eko to keep ahead of Matthew, who was now in hot pursuit.

Sawyer maneuvered his car strategically, cornering another participant, while Richie, with Mackenzie perched on his lap, joined in the fun, not far from where Eko and Matthew were sparring.

"KEEP GOING, RICHIE, YOU'RE CATCHING UP WITH HER!" Toni's voice boomed across the arena, his words filled with excitement and encouragement. The entire scene was a chaotic blend of laughter, mock protests, and the thrill of the bumper car chase, creating a lively, carefree atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the realities outside the festival grounds.

***** ******

"Your soul feels tired, give it some time to sleep," Jasmine read aloud, nibbling on another piece of her fortune cookie. The words were profound enough to make her pause and reflect, though Mya, completely absorbed in the bumper car chaos, barely noticed. She was too busy shouting at Eko to turn before Richie and Mackenzie could trap her.

"It's got a point; my soul does feel a bit overworked," Jasmine mused, studying her nails with a thoughtful expression. "Maybe I just need a manicure to fix it."

Mya, eyes glued to the bumper car action, gave Jasmine a fleeting glance. "How can your soul be tired?" she asked before quickly refocusing on the arena.

"Praying too much for a certain someone to fall desperately in love with you," Toni chimed in, smirking as he joined the conversation.

"Oh, ha-ha," Jasmine replied with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. "I'm sure Knox will notice my unbelievable talents soon enough. Just wait!"

Toni chuckled knowingly. Jasmine's crushes were a well-known source of amusement among their group. This week it was Knox, but last week she'd been all about Will, an attendant in the Skardence House, who had won her admiration just by handing her a bottle of water on her day off.

Mya laughed, joining in on the fun. "So who is it this week, Jasmine?" she asked with a teasing grin. "Are we still on Knox, or has someone new caught your eye?"

Jasmine blushed slightly but tried to brush it off with a wave of her hand. "Please, I have standards," she said with mock indignation. "Knox is just a passing fancy. It's not like I'm falling for every guy who shows me the slightest bit of attention."

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