Chapter 29 | We Only Kill To Survive

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Upon their return, Cid was already pacing the large office, clearly showing signs of being overly paranoid. Matthew saw this as an opportunity to finish the reports he was working on, with three large screens displaying reports from the academies, including findings from onsite refugees and collated intel from those who had completed their duties for the day.

Jesse, Toni, and Richie were filling in the gaps for Cid, who demanded to know every detail of the attack. As Matthew typed away at the screen, Cid's stringent voice pierced through the room once more, asking for more information.

With tablets in hand, the three of them turned to face the Headmaster, who stood before the large panes of windows, seemingly consumed by the weight of the world.

"Other than Madison, we don't have much more information. Clara's account of the night matches Eko's, as well as the survivors who remember what happened," Jesse said, adjusting her posture in her chair. The situation had dragged on for longer than they had anticipated.

"Chakra has also confirmed that the citizens have similar stories. They woke up to the chilling presence of the Reapers, and chaos ensued. If it wasn't a Reaper, then it was Hyports killing people. The palace was already ablaze by the time anyone realized what was happening in the dead of night."

"Have the authorities announced who will be in charge during the Princess's absence?" Matthew's gaze remained fixed on the screens, but his question was directed at Cid, who turned his head towards the Commander, and then to Richie.

"Rich, load patch three from Kaleb's report onto your screen and summarize it for me. This is atrocious what you have gotten here."

"I was rushing through it, obviously," Richie smirked, nodding at the order before Cid's voice interrupted their work.

Cid turned back to the window, his face etched with worry. "The council is still deciding on the next course of action," he said. "The Elders are making ridiculous requests, the head academies are demanding we go to war, citizens are planning a rebellion against the eastern borders... Everyone is up in arms, and I have no idea how we're going to deal with this."

Matthew's attention was diverted from the screens. "Then we go to war, as we've discussed," he said.

"We are not going to war," Cid snapped.

"If Ezra continues to push her control and slaughter our troops on the ground, then we will have no choice. And we won't be able to stop the next wave of militias that will come after her when another threat emerges."

"Which is why I'm at my wit's end," Cid continued. "I want you four to wrap this up before it comes to that."

"Wait, what?" Toni and Richie exclaimed in unison, their heads popping up like meerkats at their Headmaster.

"You're giving us permission to do this?" Jesse was taken aback. When had the situation become so dire? "If we can breach the barrier, you just want us to 'wrap it up'?"

"Yes, as your alternate warrior selves," Cid clarified. "Not as soldiers or anyone associated with our academies."

"I thought we were joking about this plan," Richie was animated, more alive than he had been in a while. He leaned forward in his seat, as did the other three soldiers, hanging onto Cid's every word. "You were dead set against it."

"He nearly had a heart attack at the mere mention of it," Toni interjected, watching as his friend gathered his long hair into a high bun. "We all have a vivid memory of you losing your temper when we suggested it."

"Look, where is this coming from?" Toni leaned forward, tablet on his knee. "The last time we brought this up, you were adamant that it was too dangerous."

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