Chapter 115 | In The Land Of The Devil

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Are our lives defined by the choices we make? Is every circumstance the consequence of some prior action?

It's a thought to consider, isn't it? How can one small mistake reverberate through time? It makes you wonder how one right or wrong turn can alter the course of a life forever.

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Annoyed and frustrated as hell, Matthew trudged across the stark landscapes of Creon. Each step echoed through the corridors of time, stirring up memories of his younger, wilder days. Back then, he, Toni, Richie, and Jesse had been little more than reckless teenagers—stupid, greedy, and naïve idiots with the powers they held. They had roamed these very lands, challenging entrenched powers and making choices that would shape their world in ways they couldn't have imagined.

The Creon that stretched out before him now bore scant resemblance to the untamed wilderness of his memories. It had morphed into a refuge for the galaxy's outcasts and criminals, a place where lawlessness reigned supreme. Here, in the shadows of a forsaken world, blacklisted traders and ambitious warlords had carved out their dominions, etching a complex network of illicit trade deep into the rugged terrain.

As Matthew traversed its hostile expanse, the weight of his history with this place pressed down on him. At thirteen, he and his friends had stormed through Creon, tearing apart the system that thrived on the planet. But those actions had set wheels in motion, transforming Creon into a fortress for the galaxy's most dangerous. Xero, who now led the most formidable cartel here, had a long memory and an even longer reach.

This was the last place Matthew wanted to be on a Tuesday afternoon. The almighty dust storms of Creon swirled around him, their relentless gusts providing a veil of anonymity as he navigated through the city. Heart pounding in his chest, he struggled to maintain his composure. Clad in a black hooded cloak from Allegiant, he blended seamlessly into the shadows, his presence nearly invisible among the crowds. As he moved, he kept his head down, taking in the stark transformation of the environment. What had once been a thriving city was now a shell of its former self, the devastation even more severe than he remembered from his youth. The air was thick with dust, obscuring his view and adding a ghostly pallor to the desolate streets that bore witness to the city's decline.

Despite his deep-seated resentment towards Creon, Matthew's current visit had no intention of wreaking havoc. His primary focus was to retrieve his girl, her dim-witted cousin, and leave the planet as soon as possible.

Navigating through the gritty, sand-covered streets toward the heart of the city, Matthew was acutely aware of Eko's last known location—a market near the bustling docks. He also knew that Madison had been keen on boarding a cargo ship in this vicinity.

As he moved through the bustling crowds, Matthew adjusted his black gloves nervously, drawing deep breaths to steady his pounding heart. He pulled his hood tighter over his face for added anonymity, wary of every glance that lingered a bit too long. The chaotic dockside was alive with an array of creatures, critters, and traders from every corner of the universe, each adding to the cacophony and vibrant chaos of the marketplace.

Matthew knew the dangers lurking in such a crowded and lawless place. Bounty hunters were a real threat, not just because of their presence but because of the high bounty still hanging over his head. If they managed to get their hands on him, it would spell disaster. He could lose Eko and Madison in the ensuing chaos, or worse, they could be kidnapped and used as leverage against him.

Matthew scanned the crowded marketplace, his eyes darting from one suspicious face to another. Every shadow seemed to conceal a potential threat. His senses were heightened, his mind racing with possible scenarios. He couldn't afford any mistakes. Pressing forward, he weaved through the throngs of people until he passed through rickety metal gateways that marked the entrance to the sprawling expanse of docking bays. The chaotic symphony of the docks assaulted his senses.

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