Chapter 19 | "Oh God, Here We Go."

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Mya and Eko had finally reached the loading dock, greeted by the group of soldiers being loaded onto the aircraft before them. The vessel was built for war like many of their fleet had been, a beautiful and architectural sound flying piece of aircraft, deadly in all its intent. A weapon to defend and a weapon to destroy.

"This way." Mya motioned to Eko to follow her to the second-levelled docks. She was curious in watching as the rest of the soldiers loaded up the equipment for the next three days around her.

"We're disembarking in three minutes," Mya continued, looking around at the chaos and then to Eko, nodding towards the ship's entryway.

"Mya." Richie's voice as they approached had stopped the young and highly irritated female in her tracks.

Eko watched as the soldiers continued to pass by them, as the man marked them off the tablet in front of him, but it was something in the way he said the name that told her or the tension between the two.

"What did you tell Mac?"

Oh, yep, she was right. She could slice the tension in half between these two. Intrigued at the little session, Eko's hearing had heightened, waiting for World War Two to start between them. Her eyes flicked between the two hurricanes of personalities. She just needed a bowl of popcorn, maybe some wine, and she was set for this drama to begin. 

The mortal enemies had been death staring one another, both had gotten underneath each other's skin; the pulsating veins on each other's temple and forehead were evident. Always one for gossip, the brunette lingered quietly still, placing at bet it was Mya that was going to snap first.

"Mac!?" Yep! totally snapped first, "tell her what about what, with what?"

It forced Eko's eyes to widen a fraction at the tone she took with him; this Mac chick was clearly the other woman Richie was with. Eko noted that if Mya had something sharp on her, she probably would have stabbed him with it.

"Clearly, you said something!" Richie dropped the tablet to his waist side, "all I heard last night was the shit you said to her about these three days. You know how she gets when we're both gone together."

"Oh, grow the fuck up!" Mya leered at the man before she rammed her bags into Richie's chest. The tablet crunched against his suit. "She's a big fucken girl."

"This way." Mya commanded Eko. Her eyes were fixated on all the hate in the world for the man in front of her, the very same whose teeth gritted at the bags she shoved at him.

"Let's get you buckled in before we leave."

With that, Mya walked past Richie, Eko in toe, as she offered the man a soft shrug of her shoulders and hesitantly followed the violative raven-haired woman whose high ponytailed swayed behind her like a whip to anyone that got close to her.

"Soooo..." Eko elongated the start of her sentence as they made their way onto the middle deck of the craft, and the brunette found at least forty other soldiers buckled in for departure.

"There's ah, history there?" why she dared to ask that to break the silence was beyond her idiotic mind.

"Whatever you do, don't date them. Ever," the spiteful tone radiated. "Don't associate with them! Don't get sucked into their selfish, self-absorbed ways, and for the love of god, don't fuck them!"

Eko shook her head, confused, "right," she mumbled, but was interrupted from asking anything further by the call of a familiar voice.

"Mya." Matthew's voice came from the deck before them.

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