Chapter 43 | Returning To The Palace In The Skies

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Eko's gaze was absent, lost in the emptiness ahead, she would be returning to the place she called home, which now laid in ruins because of the war consuming them.

In the midst of the chaos, Matthew located Toni, Richie, Jesse, and Jasmine, all trailing closely behind their Commander, their eyes fixed on the unfolding pandemonium. The clamor grew louder as they distanced themselves from the music's fading notes. Each soldier that Eko encountered was attempting to piece together the unfolding events.

She sat in the seat when they entered, and it was only faint between conversations that she heard something that was mentioned as they were all getting dressed about leaving the other aircraft behind on the island, and then Jasmine stood before her, handing over some of the packed clothing they had stored onboard.

While there weren't pants available, the shirt would have to do for now, Eko mused looking at the spare white shirt. Throwing it over her head, she seated herself next to Jesse and fastened her seatbelt. There were more shouts across the craft between the five soldiers on what the signal be; With a swift ascent, the craft propelled into space, its engines roaring at full power. Their destination: the moon.

Eko remained seated in silence she was pretty sure it felt like hours at that point with her subconsciousness freaking out. Though her quiet contemplation went unnoticed by those around her. This unobserved respite granted her the chance to internally grapple with the impending dilemma of what the hell she was going to do if she found someone that was going to blow her cover there.

Various scenarios played out in her mind: 

What if the person she encountered was one of her decoys, and she accidentally divulged the wrong information?

What if this was an elaborate trap?

And the most daunting thought of all— what if they found out she was the Princess?

Fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkkk!

Frustration and anxiety bubbled within her, manifesting in restless movements. She clutched the standard black t-shirt tightly, twisting its ends through her fingers. While her makeup and lower garments weren't ideal, she at least like the others, were half sensibly dressed.

Shoes were also thankfully semi-appropriate for whatever awaited them. She could fight in these platforms; worse came to worse, she had done it in nine-inch heels before, so this would be a piece of cake.

In an instant, a lightbulb flickered to life in Eko's mind, her expression faltering even if nobody noticed. What if it was Ezra she encountered, and she needed to use her powers?

That would necessitate using them in their presence. The realization struck that these soldiers would then know who she masqueraded as.

Dammit, her mind snarled, she's kept her identity safe for this long, from all the nosey reporters and journalists and, importantly, from the other annoying selective warriors that held powers similar to hers.

God ... Fucken...Damnit!... this was not the way she wanted tonight to go. She should be fucking the godlike men that was upfront at the controls with Toni. Not in this shitty situation. 

As the aircraft veered, entering the atmosphere, its high beams illuminating the surroundings, as they broke into the tempestuous storm.

"I do not like this!" Toni growled, guiding the craft into a thick cloud cluster as there were  lightning bolts striking in every direction. The vessel shuddered and tugged as he maneuvered  around the eye of the storm.

"Get below the storm when you can," Matthew commanded. "It'll fry the equipment if we get hit. I don't feel like explaining that to Cid." 

"Mate, why the fuck didn't I think of that!" he snapped, turning the controls, Richie beside him recalculating where the palace had been below them.

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