Chapter 111 | November 2nd | Madison's Warning

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Timeline - November 2nd | ( morning )

What Matthew loved most, if anyone asked him, was waking up beside the woman he loved—her hair a waterfall of lush honey brown that often amazed him, wrapping itself around his body, while her limbs tangled affectionately with his.

In his opinion, there was nothing better than feeling Eko stretch out over him, her lips lightly brushing against his skin. In this new chapter of his life, he had found love and peace, and he intended to hold onto that happiness tightly, keeping it all to himself.

His deep love for Eko made him fiercely protective of her. Even the smallest hint of danger sent a wave of anxiety through him. As he lay beside her, he tried to push aside the troubling thoughts from the day before, gently kissing her temple and silently, almost religiously, praying to the heavens always to keep her safe. He wanted the universe to look after her, even if she tested their patience with her reckless actions, even if her behavior often drove him to the brink of frustration.

As he kissed her and moved his hand along her arm, he noticed that the cut from the youma yesterday had completely healed, leaving no trace of evidence that it had ever bled so profusely. It puzzled him, and he made a mental note to figure out why it had healed so fast, shifting that to an after-breakfast conversation. For now, he had places to be—places that required him to be Ace.

Matthew gently pulled away from Eko's sleeping form and got out of bed. He had kept his early morning outings a secret, knowing that discussing them would lead to difficult conversations. It was going to be hard enough to explain who and what he actually was to her. Right now, he was convinced it wasn't a burden Eko needed to carry.

Quickly getting dressed, he glanced back at the woman softly snoring in his bed, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. The sight of her peaceful slumber brought a bittersweet smile to his face. She looked so serene, so untouched by the horrors that lurked outside their sanctuary. In moments like this, he wished he could shield her from the world forever.

Matthew moved quietly, trying not to disturb the delicate tranquility of the room. As he reached the door, he paused, taking one last look at Eko. The love he felt for her surged through him, mingling with the anxiety and determination that drove him to these secretive outings. The weight of his responsibilities pressed heavily on his shoulders, but he carried them willingly, knowing that every sacrifice he made was for the love of his life, still sleeping soundly, blissfully unaware of the chaos. After all, ignorance was sometimes bliss.

***** *****

As dawn broke, Matthew wrapped up his visit to the medical ward, coming straight from his routine morning monster hunts. The doctors were satisfied with his check-up, especially after the incident the day before. With that worry off his mind, his focus shifted when his communication device chimed with a new message. To his surprise, it was from Madison.

Curiosity piqued, he read the message: "Urgent. Meet at Cedery." His brows furrowed, recognizing that she wanted to meet at the private cafeteria reserved for employees on the upper levels of Allegiant. Without overthinking the reasons, he made his way to the elevator and headed upstairs.

As the elevator doors shut, a wave of unease swept over him. Given the circumstances, it was a natural reaction. Madison held the power to take Eko away from him, and it was no secret that he was far from being her favorite person. He was fairly certain she barely tolerated his presence, a reality that gnawed at him.

With a soft ding, the elevator doors opened, and Matthew stepped out, quickly spotting the café. It was still early, and the café was quiet, the air thick with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. He easily noticed Madison, recognizable by her distinctive black raven hair, seated at a table in the back. The secluded location she had chosen only added to his growing apprehension.

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