Chapter 92 | Announcements & Speeches

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As Matthew made his way swiftly through the bustling crowds of cheering and dancing soldiers, he approached the glittering auditorium, with his focus on Cid, watching the fumbling older man that forced his stomach to knot as he further approached him.

Right now, for someone that he once revered, he now felt a growing sense of unease around. The same person that was about to propel his life forward, and the truth was he had never asked for this, never wanted to be thrust into a leadership role before he was ready.

When Cid ascended the main stage in the middle of the auditorium, the music had began to drop off and it forced the thousands of faces to break apart as their attention moved to their headmaster.

Matthew swallowed the resentment and watched from the sideline as the young faces of the cadets and older ones of soldiers that had admired and respected him looked up to their headmaster, they had all  believed in the cause of what the academy's foundations were built for. 

Now, it would fall on his shoulders, Matthew donned a steely resolve as he buttoned up his suit and ascended the stairs to join Cid. At the top of the stairs, the elderly man stood poised and waved his hand upon the defeaning chasm of sound, capturing the attention of the soldiers. The very same ones that also depended on them to know the way forward out. The ones that trusted them to make the right decisions.

The endless crowd held some of the faces of some of his best friends in life, Jesse, who was currently organizing the event managers on the schedule to follow for the announcement. Jasmine that ensured the committee had smoothed out any issues. The same powerful two warriors that stood with him in protecting their worlds.

Just like Toni had been, one of his best friends that stood smugly staring at him, as he raised his glass to him, telling him almost that it was now or never to take this on. To do what they really wanted to do in this war.

Richie stood with Mya and Mackenzie in the back a bit, both parents, that understood the sacrifices that were to be made, both had a reason wrapped into their daughter to see this through. For Matthew, he did what he had, so parents like they were, could be protected. People that both wanted to see their daughter grow up.

As his eyes surveyed the soldiers before him that had applauded and cheered, he had stumbled across the very thing that sparked his jealousy into a dangerous fury. Eko, was radiantly giggling and half-dancing with Luke in the distance. He could only stand there, seething, as they came to a stop, their hands intertwined as they engaged in animated conversation.

This was precisely why he avoided emotional entanglements - it was situations like these that made him regret ever getting attached in the first place.

Cid's booming voice echoed through the speakers, abruptly halting the oblivious dancers as he greeted the audience with a "Good evening!"

Matthew watched the onlookers, his attention barely straying from Eko, as Cid continued with his speech, as he stared consumed at the crowds before him, moments later he heard Cid announce him as headmaster urging the audience to applaud.

Like he had a fucken choice. . The mass of people in front of him erupted into an uproar of applause - screams, shouts, whistles, and claps filled the air, overwhelming his senses.

Though deafening, he did what he always did when thrust into such situations - he absorbed it all, carrying the weight of the moment on his shoulders. Matthew forced a smile where necessary, waving to the jubilant soldiers as they celebrated. 

As Matthew stood on the podium, the weight of his new role as headmaster sinking in, he felt his attention being pulled away from the cheering crowd and onto Eko. The same brunette who had been staring at him now with her mischievous smirk. 

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