Chapter 124 | November 11th | Girl's Night! 🍆

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Timeline - November 11th | ( 2 Days Later )

The dinner had been the highlight of their week for the group of four, and the restaurant owner—who knew Jesse like family—was over the moon when the girls started their night early. They handed over the headmaster's credit card as their security bond, signaling that this was definitely going to be one of those nights where the restaurant owner would only charge the card in the morning.

By nine o'clock, they had left the restaurant and headed to Hassel's for their weekly bonding session and some much-needed girl time. At Hassel's, they planned to unwind with a few more rounds of drinks before Richie was set to pick them up. Meanwhile, Toni and Matthew were still tied up at one of the newly constructed academies, deep in board meetings. For Eko, spending the evening indulging in drinks and the company of loved friends was the perfect distraction from both missing Matthew and the worry she felt whenever he was away.

Stumbling up the stairs into the establishment, the girls were guided to their usual corner booth, where a fresh round of cocktails eagerly awaited them.

"Tequila shots as well!" Jasmine exclaimed, settling enthusiastically into the booth.

Eko slid in next to her, making space for Jesse and Mya to join. Amid the booming music and pulsating lights of the club, the girls huddled close to catch up.

Mya raised her glass in a toast to Jasmine, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Meanwhile, Jesse gingerly pushed her own shot glass aside. "The last time we did these shots together, we had no clue where we ended up, and the guys took ages trying to track us down! Remember, Jasmine? We ended up in a Harlem."

"A Harlem? Like an actual orgy house?" Eko laughed, her dark eyes wide with amusement and her smile lighting up her face. "H-how is that even possible? Why, how?"

"Jaz always finds a way," Mya chuckled, her fingers curled around her cocktail before she took a sip.

"It's hardly even a memory," Jasmine said to Jesse, her sun-kissed skin and sparkling eyes reflecting the club's vibrant lights. "We had fun, didn't we?"

"I don't have any real recollection of that to know."

"Don't be a sourpuss, drink your alcohol like a big girl," Jasmine teased, her playful smirk highlighting her full, glossy lips. "Besides, you randomly were calling the shots 'jiggle juice' for some unknown reason."

Mya and Eko howled with laughter, their infectious energy blending seamlessly with the club's pulsating beat.

"Oh, stop it, you children," Jesse said with a scowl as she took a sip of her cocktail. "I wouldn't have called it that."

"Speaking of children, did you hear Cynthia's transferring from Tech to Clara Ace?" Jasmine interjected, reaching for the cocktail menu to order another round.

"No way," Mya responded, surprise evident in her tone. "I thought she loved it here; she's so good at Tech!"

"Hmm," Jasmine nodded, still engrossed in the menu. "Cynthia caught CJ and Stacie hooking up. She said she couldn't stay after that."

"Didn't everyone already know about that?" Eko added with a sheepish grin. "We stumbled into them in one of the communal areas after training one night. They were in the shower and got really, really carried away. I'm talking full-on barnyard animal noises, their bodies just clapping together, I was totally mortified! Like you know when two people should just not have sex, this was them."

"Wait, wait, wait! You and Matthew actually saw them?" Mya asked with raised eyebrows, clearly intrigued. "Because you were about to do the same thing?"

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