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Meagan, Bible in hand, is currently standing at her new neighbor's doorstep, hoping to be invited in. She nervously knocks on the door and holds her breath as it opens.
"Hello, I'm Meagan, and was wondering if you could use an extra hand unpacking?" Meagan asks Amethyst's mom, Karen.
"Oh, I think we got it," Karen replies with a smile.
Meagan looks behind her and sees Father staring at her in the distance, she looks back and asks again but this time with a hint of urgency in her voice.
"Are you sure, I would really like to help and I promise to be good?"  The young girl asks.
Karen's motherly instincts kick in and can tell something isn't right, so she lets Meagan in shutting the door behind her.
"Is everything okay?" Karen asks the anxious but reformed child in front of her.
"Oh yes, yes I'm okay. How are you, ma'am?" Meagan asks politely.
"I'm doing well m, thank you. Are you safe?" Karen asks.
Meagan looks confused, "Yes ma'am just doing the Lord's work." She tells her, wondering why she wouldn't be safe.
That's when Amethyst walks in,
"Amethyst, this is our new neighbor, Meagan," Karen tells her daughter.
"Hi!" Amethyst says.
"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," Meagan replies.
Karen notices that Meagan is very mature, almost to the point where it's concerning. She's never seen someone of that age talk and hold herself in such a manner.
"Why do you wear that?" Amethyst asks.
"Amethyst! Be respectful!" Karen scolds.
"We believe that this is how God wants us to dress and I could never go against him or our prophet," Meagan tells them.
"Who's God?" Amethyst asks, not even thinking about Father Albert.
"That's why I'm here. The Father has given me the opportunity to share with you the truth and help you become worthy of eternal life." Meagan tells them.
Karen is taken aback and is almost offended. If the person in front of her wasn't a child, she most certainly would be offended. "Thank you for your concern but it's time for you to leave," Karen says, opening the door.
"Yes ma'am. It was a pleasure meeting you, thank you for allowing me into your home." Meagan tells her. Deep down, she doesn't want to leave but thinks that's just the devil and his tricks.
When back on the compound she's asked how it went, and she tells him the honest truth. "They said they don't know God and sent me on my way." She told him.
"I trusted you." Father Albert tells her, "And you let me and God down." He scolds.
Meagan hangs her head in shame, "I'm sorry" She meekly replies.
He abruptly grabs her hand and drags her to the stove, placing her hand on the burning top.
"This is how your body will feel as it burns in hell, do you want that? Do you want our neighbors to feel this? Think of Jesus, how he must've felt with nails through his hands." He yells to her.
Meagan does her best to not cry as he continues to tell her how that is this how her body will feel in hell if she doesn't successfully complete the tasks God has given her.
Her hand is now burnt and blistered, she goes running to find her mom for comfort but her mother only hugs her and says, "Father Albert's ways should not be questioned or complained about."
Leaving Meagan feeling betrayed but it wasn't the first time she felt this way and it most certainly wouldn't be the last. She thinks to herself that this must be wrong, but in return feels bad for thinking such things. She just wants to be free, but what is there to be free from? This is all she knows, the grass isn't greener on the other side, or is it? "How could a religion that's supposed to be about love cause so much pain, maybe love is pain." Meagan cries to herself in bed that night. "I want to go home but this is my home. Why am I feeling so lost." She continues to cry. It's in this moment that she wants to run away but not for the rest of forever, just for now. She carefully gets up out of her bed and tiptoes out of her room and to the front door. "You got this!" She thinks to herself and opens the door. She opens it and runs, running as fast as she can but doesn't know where else to go. So, she follows her heart and her heart leads her to Amethyst's house. She knocks on the door with her good hand but gets no response, she starts to cry and knocks faster and louder until finally, the door opens. She is greeted by Amethyst, "Are you okay?" Amethyst asks. "No, my hand hurts." Meagan cries. "Come in, my parents aren't here very often," Amethyst tells her. "Thank you," Meagan says and follows Amethyst inside. "What happened to your hand?" Amethyst asks after she notices the blistering. "I didn't behave to their expectations so Father Albert burnt it." Meagan cries. Amethyst hugs her, "Oh no, that's not okay. I'll get you some medicine and bandages." Amethyst says and runs off. She comes back and helps Meagan tend to her hand, she's used to caring for others. Her parents are often too out of it to take care of her and themselves. "Thank you," Meagan tells her. "You're welcome, what movie do you like?" Amethyst asks. "Oh, I am not allowed to watch any," Meagan replies. "Well, that doesn't count here. I am the boss now and I say you can." Amethyst jokes making Meagan laugh. Amethyst turns on the TV and finds a channel with movies on it, then goes to make popcorn. They cuddle up on the couch together and watch the movies, "I have to make sure I am back by morning or they'll hurt me again." Meagan tells her. "Alright, I'll walk you back when the morning is here," Amethyst tells her. Meagan intently watches the movie, "I want to be in a movie, I want to be someone else!" She says. "Me too, maybe someday we both can!" Amethyst replies. "Okay, let's do it!" Meagan says with a smile. "Okay, we will someday!" Amethyst says and holds out her pinky. Meagan looks very confused, "Pinky promise?" Amethyst asks. "I don't know what that is," Meagan tells her. Amethyst grabs Meagan's pinky and intertwines it with hers, "There, now we have to." She tells her. Meagan smiles and giggles, "Okay." She says. Amethyst smiles and giggles with her as they continue to watch the movie. Two children, both failed by the people who are supposed to care for them but happen to find peace in each other. They don't know what tomorrow brings, but for now, they both feel free and happy.

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