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Amethyst gets a drink then goes back inside her bedroom and sees that Meagan is still asleep, she can't help but smile to herself at the thought of them becoming a family. It feels like no time has passed, but at the same time feels as if a whole lifetime has gone by.
It's been six years since they've last seen each other, six years since they were forced apart.
Meagan was right, Amethyst did get a much nicer response when they were caught. She got to go home to her bed and her family who comforted her. Meagan got hit with a Bible and a whipping as well all in the name of God. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Is something she heard a lot.
After that dreadful night, Amethyst never saw the girl outside again and figured she went to conversion therapy or something along those lines. Amethyst and her family ended up moving away due to the situation among other things that we will discuss later.
Now, flash forward six years, Amethyst is watching Meagan, who is carrying a child, sleep peacefully in a bed that they now share.
She hoped and prayed to be reunited with Meagan but slowly lost hope. They both lost hope and lost themselves in the process. Amethyst smiles to herself and lets a few tears fall,
"Welcome home my love." She whispers, giving Meagan a forehead kiss.
The peacefulness only lasted for a day or so, thanks to Meagan's parents. Meagan got an unexpected call from her Mother and wrongfully hoped it would go well.
"Mom! I promise you, that isn't true!" Meagan yells into the phone. "Really? Because I just got an email from your manager with pictures of your ultrasound!" Her mom yelled back. "Don't you remember, I told you he raped me?! Why do you take his side and not mine." Meagan shouts. "You are such a manipulative person, I don't know what's gotten it to you. Here talk to your father, I can't put up with this." Her mom says and hands the phone over to Meagan's dad. "I don't want to hear any excuses. We know you are using this so-called rape story as an excuse to hide the truth. We know you chose a life of sin and prostitution, just like you chose to seduce the neighbor girl into your wicked games. We are very ashamed and disappointed in you." He says, then hangs up before Meagan could say a word.
She's too numb to cry but she's not surprised that her parents chose the side of her abuser. Meagan goes into the guest room of Amethyst's house and digs through the dresser drawer until she finds it.
A razor blade, her razor blade, her security.
Although she doesn't want to die, she can't do that to Amethyst or her baby. She just wants to give herself the pain she feels she deserves. "Spare the rod spoil the child or some fucked up shit like that," Meagan says to herself as she picks up the blade and then quickly walks to the bathroom. Without any hesitation, like she's on autopilot, she rolls up the sleeves of her shirt and places the blade on her skin. She makes horizontal lines across her wrist, once the blood starts dripping to the floor she remembers how to cry. She sits on the floor, crying and shaking, shaking too much to stand. 
For a moment she forgets that Amethyst is somewhere in the house, that is until she hears a knock on the door. Meagan continues to cry and doesn't reply. "Meagan, open the door," Amethyst shouts, forgetting that yelling makes things worse for her. She knocks again, "Meagan, let me in!" She then says softer.
Still nothing but she knows Meagan in there, she can hear her crying but also doesn't want to trigger her even more. As Amethyst tries to open the door she remembers one thing that Meagan loves, music and singing. Meagan always used to sing hymns whenever she was upset and even though Amethyst doesn't know any hymns, she knows another song Meagan loved. She down next to the door and starts singing,
"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you"
Then without saying a word Meagan opens the door, then sits back down on the bathroom floor. Amethyst goes in after her, and the sight she sees breaks her heart. She picks up the blade from the floor and flushes it down the toilet, gets a rag to clean up the floor, and another for her arm as well as bandages. Amethyst hands the warm washcloth to the beautiful girl who is crying on the floor. She sits down next to her, "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you?" Amethyst sings.
Meagan holds the washcloth around her arm as she slumps over into her friend's arms, letting her voice calm her. Amethyst holds her tightly as she runs her fingers through Meagan's hair. She continues to sing,
"Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you,
For I can't help falling in love with you."
Once she finishes the song, Meagan is calm enough for Amethyst to bandage her arm.
She helps her stand up and walk back to the bed. "I'm always going to be here for you. I got a bunch of angry emails from your parents and I'm sure they called you too. They are absolutely ridiculous and I promise to never treat you and your baby like that." Amethyst tells her. "Thank you. Can you hold me? I don't feel safe on my own." Meagan asks.
Amethyst excepts the offer and holds her in her arms. Even though Meagan didn't tell her, she really appreciated the fact she didn't make a big scene over what happened in the bathroom. She knew Amethyst cared without even saying anything. She was so scared she'd disappoint her but was treated with just love and respect. As she lays in Amethyst's arms she thinks for a moment "Maybe, just maybe I can learn how to love again." before falling asleep in her warm, comforting embrace.

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