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So, as you can probably tell Meagan's upbringing wasn't that of the norm,  and she now struggles with knowing what's "normal" in the outside world. There is so much more to her childhood but we will save that for another time.
Now let's get back to the present day, shall we?
"Babyyyy," Meagan shouts from her bed but gets no response.
"Babyyyyyy!!!" She shouts louder and finally Amethyst runs into the bedroom.
"Yes love?" She asks.
"I don't feel good and want cuddles," Meagan tells her.
"All that commotion just for cuddles?" Amethyst asks as she climbs into bed.
"Hey, growing a whole ass child is a lot of work," Meagan tells her.
"True true." Amethyst replies, "I am just giving you a hard time."
When she gets into bed with her she notices Meagan feels a bit warm.
"Megs, I think you're running a fever." She tells her.
"That explains why I feel so shitty," Meagan replies.
"Are you able to take medication while pregnant?" Amethyst then asks.
"To be honest, I wouldn't know. I wasn't allowed to have any type of medication since doctors were considered to be evil or something like that as I was going up.." Meagan says, very matter of factly.
Amethyst holds Meagan closely, "My poor baby." She says in almost a whisper but loud enough for Meagan to hear. "It's okay baby, I didn't know any different" Meagan replies.
Amethyst usually isn't one to cry or get emotional unless she is alone. It's different when she is around Meagan. Meagan brings out a whole new side to her, a softer, authentic, more unguarded side.
Meagan on the other hand is up and down with her emotions and has a difficult time controlling them but, is doing the best she can given the situation. Amethyst starts to cry into Meagan's shoulder, "Why are you crying, my love?" Meagan asks her. "I just love you so much and the thought of people hurting you just breaks me." Amethyst replies. Meagan pouts, "Oh baby, I am okay I promise." She tells her. "No, you aren't but you will be someone." Amethyst replies. "Maybe," Meagan says back. "I am not letting anyone hurt you ever again," Amethyst says, still crying. Meagan cries with her but doesn't say anything, when words fail to come out, her tears say it all. Meagan stays in bed for most of the day as usual while Amethyst spends a lot of her day working on the court cast against Ryan. That's how most of their days go, everything has been going pretty smoothly but it doesn't stay that way for very long. Not after Amethyst gets asked a question that makes her want to throw her hands at the person who asked. That question is, "Does she have enough proof of the alleged rape?" Asked the attorney that was assigned the case. "What the fuck kind of question is that?" Amethyst yells to the person on the other end of the call. "Well, we have it stated here that Meagan was in fact in the adult film industry and..." The attorney says but is interpreted by a very protective Amethyst. "Did you just slut shame, my girlfriend?" Amethyst asks while yelling. "Well no, we just need to make sure all our bases are covered before trial." The attorney tells her. "So, to do so, you discredit my girlfriend's trauma? You're lucky she's not listening to this because I can guarantee that with an ignorant comment like that, you could cause her to harm herself." Amethyst states, and rightfully so. "I'm not saying I don't believe you or her, but it's going to come up in the trial, especially given her upbringing. You don't think she could've fabricated the story of rape to help with the shame she was feeling being in the adult industry?" The attorney asks. Amethyst about explodes on the spot, "Listen, I'm trying to keep my cool here but it's hard when you're supposed to be an advocate for her and decide to criminalize the victim. Listen to me, the abuse she went through as a child definitely had an impact on her today but, not in the way you are probably thinking. She didn't know it was wrong of him to track her phone, take away all her freedom, or physically and verbally abuse her. What she did know is that the sexual abuse was overstepping the line. The girl was shamed for kissing another girl before marriage, she was raised to believe some fucking weirdo named Father Albert was the one who decided who she could be intimate with. Want to know why she felt shame? Father Albert didn't give her or Ryan permission and that's how she first started figuring out it was wrong. Now for the porn industry, he led her into it as a child. A child. Do you hear me? A CHILD! Ryan sold her underage videos online. She didn't have the mental capacity to properly consent. Also, child marriages happened all the damn time in her life.  She was forced to marry her second cousin, who is also an adult beforehand. It was a marriage done by Father Albert if I remember correctly. Now please shut the fuck up and take this case for what it really is. Child exploitation and rape. Not a girl regretting her choices." She tells the attorney. She thought having a female attorney would help but obviously not.

Amethyst is greeted with a response of silence before finally, the attorney says, "Thank you I will take that into consideration."
"Don't. I'm needing a new attorney." Amethyst says before aggressively hanging up the phone
Amethyst then goes back to check on Meagan and finds her asleep, she goes and lays beside her and cuddles up close, silently crying into her girlfriend's shoulder then says,
"I'll never stop fighting for you. Never ever." She whispers and wonders why and how so many people have failed this poor girl. It never fails to break Amethyst's heart, Meagan is such a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and heart. She can't think of any reason why someone would choose to hurt such a person, it's rather a selfish act and Amethyst can't think of anything more evil than that.

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