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Spring arrives and the sun shines through the window, only for a moment though. The pitter-patter of the rain that starts to fall catches Meagan's attention, "Ami!" She shouts causing Amethyst to jump. "It's raining! Let's go play in it." She tells her and darts out the back door. "Wait for me!" Amethyst tells her and runs after the girl. Meagan begins to skip and twirl like a child in the rain, "I love the rain." She says with a smile. "I remember," Amethyst replies with a smile, spinning around as well. "You do? You actually remember?" Meagan asks as if she is surprised. "Of course, I remember, how could I forget about something that makes my girl so happy?" Amethyst replies. "I'm just not used to people remembering the little things about me." She tells her. "Well, then they aren't important people to have in your life," Amethyst tells her. "So, my mother isn't important?" Meagan then asks. "She only showed up for your court date and child's funeral then left and never came back. What do you think?" Amethyst asks her. "I guess you're right, it's still hard to come to terms with," Meagan tells her. "My parents picked drugs over me, yours picked religion. It's not right but it happens." Amethyst says. "At least we are in this together," Meagan replies, taking hold of Amethyst's hands and starting to dance with her. As they dance around Amethyst begins to sing a tune from a movie they watched together as a kid,
"I'm singin' in the rain
Just singin' in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again."
Meagan giggles, remembering that movie and how much she loved the music, she joins in and begins to sing as well.
"So dark up above,
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love."
The two girls sing together and truly are happy again, the song is very fitting for them and what they are feeling in this moment.
"Let the stormy clouds chase.
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've got a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singing"
They sing as they dance, feeling free from their old demons and the new ones that Amethyst is just beginning to face. Right now though, their problems seem long gone. They walk around to the sidewalk and skip in the puddles as they sing, "Singing in the rain
Dancing in the rain
La ri la la ri la,
I'm happy again
I'm singin' and dancing in the rain
I'm dancing and singin' in the rain"
They don't care about the people who might be watching and judging them, they are just happy to be alive and living in the moment. Living in the moment together.

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