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Now, you're probably wondering where Caleb went and you'll find out soon enough. Before we discuss that, let's go back to the present day.
"The baby is coming any day now," Meagan says to her girlfriend.
"Words can't describe how excited I am!" Amethyst exclaims.
"Same here, we need to start shopping though," Meagan tells her.
"Already on it! I have the necessities already on their way." Amethyst tells her.
"Aw, baby! You didn't have to do that!" Meagan says, running her emotional self over to hug Amethyst.
"But I wanted to. Besides we have our first court hearing soon." Amethyst says while hugging Meagan.
"Ugh, couldn't they wait until after the baby is born?" Meagan complains as she holds her
"For the second one, yes but the first one is this weekend." Amethyst reminds her.
"This stress can't possibly be good for the baby," Meagan says.
Amethyst looks at her and pouts, "I know baby but, it'll be over with soon. Soon the baby will be here and we will be a happy little family." She tells her, holding her from behind so now both their hands are placed on Meagan's stomach. That's when they feel the baby move, they both look at each other at the same time.
"Did you feel that?" Meagan says with a beaming smile.
"I did! Oh my goodness that's our baby!" Amethyst says with the same beaming smile.
Meagan tears up, "Our baby." She says before full-on sobbing into Amethyst's arms.
It felt so good to hear her claim the baby, Meagan can't control how happy that makes her and it takes Amethyst by surprise.
"Is everything okay angel?" Amethyst asks her.
Meagan lifts her head, still sobbing, and nods her head yes. "I'm okay it just made me happy to hear you say that the baby is ours. I don't know, it just means the world to me, Ami." She tells her. Now Amethyst starts to cry with her, turning around so they now are face to face, "I'm so fucking in love with you." She tells her.
"I'm in love with you too," Meagan says, still crying.
"Ugh, these hormones are killing me." She then says.
Amethyst smiles and pulls her in again, "It's okay baby, it's cute." She says while rubbing Meagan's back.
"Mmm don't stop, that feels good," Megan says referring to the back rub.
"Come on let's have you go lay on your side so I can do it better," Amethyst tells her.
Meagan turns around and gives her a weird look, "You want to fuck me sideways?" She asks.
"Maybe later but I thought you wanted a back massage." Amethyst replies flirtatiously.
"Who's to say we can't do both?" Meagan replies.
"Okay, little miss boldness let's go," Amethyst tells her and follows her girlfriend into the bedroom.
Meagan basically runs into the bedroom and excitedly lays down on her side, she watches as Amethyst undressed and can't help but touch herself at the sight.
Amethyst bites her lip when she notices Meagan's actions, "You're so fucking sexy you know that right?" She whispers into Meagan's ear.
Meagan brings her hand from the outside of her biker shorts into her underwear, "I don't know, am I?" She teases and rubs herself more making herself moan at her own touch.
"I thought I was supposed to be doing that?" Amethyst says. She goes to grab Meagan's hand away but Meagan quickly smacks it away.
"No, I want to do this first." She says and rolls onto her back.
Her breathing now getting more and more rapid, her body moving against her own hand.
Amethyst watches and squeezes her thighs together, letting out a whine. She lays down next to Meagan and starts to touch herself as well. When Meagan notices, she moans louder, "You like this don't you?" Amethyst asks but already knows the answer.
The two watch each other get closer and closer to orgasming, "You're going to mess up your shorts aren't you my love." Amethyst teases.
"Yes, fuck yes!" Meagan shouts, her back arching off the bed.
Amethyst groans and grinds against her own hand as well, their eyes locking as they both orgasm. Meagan quickly takes off her shorts and underwear before rolling onto her side, Amethyst wastes no time in rolling over as well, spooning her.
She kisses Meagan's neck and snakes her arm around her waist and down to her vagina.
Meagan let out a sigh of satisfaction and moved along to Amethyst's movements. "You are so fucking pretty," Amethyst says. She places gentle kisses on Meagan's neck and continues to make love to her until she's completely spent.
Then, Meagan rolls back over and lays on Amethyst's chest, "Thank you, baby," she says sleepily.
"There's no need to thank me, I love having sex with you," Amethyst says before gasping as she feels Meagan's fingers go inside her.
"I love having sex with you too!" She says with a mischievous look.
"Good God girl, how did I get so lucky?" Amethyst asks as her breathing picks up.
"I'm the lucky one. Now, I need you to cum for me" Meagan says against her lover's neck, triggering Amethyst's orgasm.
They both catch their breath and lay in silence for only a moment before Meagan talks again, "I just find it funny how either I am extremely sexual or can't stand the idea of sex."
Amethyst brushes Meagan's light blonde hair through her fingers, "Trauma does that to a person my love, but you don't need to worry about it with me. I love you regardless." She tells her.
"I love you too," Meagan responds with a smile. She smiles as she remembers the times she'd sneak over to Amethyst's house as a child and still to this day, she still finds the same sense of safety with her. "What are you thinking about my love?" Amethyst asks her. "I am just remembering the times I used to sneak over to your house when I was hurt or scared." Meagan answers. "I remember those days so vividly, it feels like yesterday but also a lifetime ago," Amethyst tells her. "Yeah, trauma does that to a person," Meagan says with a smirk followed by a laugh. "You're so fucking cute, even when you make fun of me," Amethyst says while laughing as well.

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