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"Ami, have you ever wanted to travel?" Meagan asks as the two watch whatever happens to be on the TV. "Yeah, why do you ask?" Amethyst asks her. "I don't know, I guess I just have been wanting to see more than just this." She replies. "Let's go!" Amethyst says excitedly. "Wait are you serious?" Meagan asks, now getting excited as well. "Yes! Let's go!" Amethyst replies, jumping up from the couch. Meagan giggles with excitement, "Okay, where are we going?" She asks. "How does going to New York for the winter sound?" Amethyst asks in response. Meagan smiles and her eyes glisten with happiness, "Oh, that sounds amazing!" She shouts and begins jumping up and down. It's as if Amethyst could read her mind, Meagan has been secretly wanting to go to New York ever since she saw it in a movie. As they begin packing, Meagan has another question, "Ami, can I ask you something?" She asks. Amethyst stops what she's doing, "Of course, you can love, what is it?" She asks in response. "What do you want to do next in life?" Meagan asks. "Hopefully get a job, have kids, get married, and live happily." She answers. "Do you think your future involves me?" Meagan asks her. "Yes of course I do, my future is you my darling. " Amethyst replies. Meagan continues folding clothes and placing them in her suitcase, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have a future, and to be honest I probably wouldn't even be having a present." She tells her. Amethyst stops packing and walks behind Meagan, wrapping her arms around her beautiful girlfriend's waist. "I love you and I hope someday you realize just how amazing you are." She tells her. "I am slowly beginning to figure that out," Meagan says, looking behind her and smiling. "What about you, what do you think your future will bring?" Amethyst then asks. "I want to make my own family and give them the love I should've gotten, I hope to have a job and a wife to call my own." Meagan answers, looking back at Amethyst once more. "I think that sounds lovely, what do you want to do for work?" She asks her. After pondering on that question she finally has an answer, "Something simple, something to pay the bills as this money we currently have runs out. I think it's time to have normalcy instead of something big and flashy." She tells her then asks, "What about you?" Amethyst already knows the answer, "I want to work as an attorney or a lawyer." She tells her. Amethyst found her passion through helping Meagan, they both found themselves through helping each other and it has been a beautiful journey. A journey that is far from being over but, they are closer than when they first started.

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