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On the outside Meagan has the life any young adult would dream of having. A life of money and luxury with beautiful blue eyes, blonde hair, and a stunning body. Meagan tells people she's an actress and it's true, but there is more to it than she lets most people know. Yes, that's what she does for a living but, she also puts on a mask every day to act like she's okay. "Doesn't everyone?" This is something Meagan thinks to herself a lot to keep herself sane.
She opens her journal to write out her feelings,
"I've always been taught to trust in the Lord with all my heart and to give him my worries and he will make things better. I don't think I believe that anymore, how could God watch me suffer like this and not do anything about it?
He must be a twisted soul to do such things, but then again that is love right? Anyways, you know what hurts? When other people have hurt you so badly that you hurt yourself because that's all you know, that's all you've been shown. When you have been treated so poorly you forget what love is." Meagan writes in her journal before a notification on her phone takes her attention.
The sound of her phone distracts her from her writing. Meagan picks up her phone and notices a text from her manager, Ryan.

Ryan: Meeting. 5:15 PM. Don't dare you to be late.

Meagan: Wouldn't miss it for the world :)

Ryan: *read*

She waits for a few minutes to see if he says anything but he doesn't so, she takes this opportunity to call her best friend Mariah.
"Hey, what's up?" Mariah asks after answering the phone. "I swear, I am going to lose my mind!" Meagan says practically yelling into the phone. "What is it this time?" Mariah asks, sounding very annoyed. "I have to be at some meeting for this new film in like 45 minutes with Ryan and my co-star but I can't even fathom leaving my bed." She complains.
Mariah laughs on the other end of the phone as she says, "Dude you need to get over this anxiety or whatever you are calling it. You are so over dramatic!"
All Meagan does is sigh before Mariah finishes her little tangent, "Really though, you have everything anyone could ever want. You have it so good! If I was in your place I would be enjoying every opportunity, even on the hard days." Mariah tells her.
"Unlikely," Meagan whispers under her breath. "I'm just saying, you better open your eyes and realize how good you have it. I gotta go now, call me when you learn to be grateful." Mariah says before hanging up.
At this point, Meagan can't tell if she is angry or sad but tells herself that it's nothing new. She has to get going to her meeting anyways. When she finally gets there, Meagan checks the time before opening the door to the room that they will be gathering in. "10 minutes early." She whispers to herself.
Her eyes lock with Ryan, "You should've been earlier, you really need to start showing that extra bit of initiative if you want to succeed."He said before leaning closer and whispering in her ear, "You better behave and control that little attitude of yours." She cringes at the thought of what he might do if she doesn't and nods her head. "Yes, Sir" She replies.
At this moment she wishes more than anything she was back in her childhood home, in her bedroom surrounded by all the silly things that once made her stressed. They don't seem that stressful anymore, they seem very inviting. 
Instead, she now sits there, alone with Ryan as someone starts to enter the room.
Meagan is still so lost in her own thoughts that she doesn't realize when a young woman she once knew walks into the office.
"Amethyst, take a seat next to Meagan," Ryan tells her.
The name Amethyst makes Meagan look up from the ground and Meagan suddenly becomes aware of who's next to her.
She lifts her head to look at her again, her eyes go wide and her cheeks become red before quickly looking back down.  So many thoughts run through her head such as,

"Is this real?"

"No, I'm going to throw up!"

"Don't cry!"
Along with many others, too many to list.
"Meagan! Focus!" Ryan yells making her flinch. Her face goes white as she finally comes to the realization that her once lover is right next to her. "Hey, is everything okay?" Amethyst gently asks her. Meagan nods and tries to collect her thoughts.
"Don't worry about her, She's fine. Now, Let's get back to what's important." Ryan says while staring at Meagan with a look that screams, "Remember what I said." Everyone else arrives at the meeting and they all discuss the film and what's going to take place. Ryan answers everything for Meagan and Amethyst definitely notices.
"Why don't you let Meagan answer, She has the ability to talk for herself." Amethyst says before whispering to her jokingly, "Wait you do have the ability right?"
Meagan lets out a slight laugh and says, "Yes yes, I do." She jokingly rolls her eyes. "Meagan! Don't you ever disrespect one of my clients like that ever again!" Ryan scolds making Meagan's eyes dart down to the floor, she's never seen him act out like this in public before. "Yes sir, it won't happen again." She tells him, starting to panic even more so.
The jet-black-haired girl looks at her, her striking green eyes filled with concern.  Amethyst gently places her hand on Meagan's thigh to try and let her know she cares. It causes Meagan to flinch instead of become comforted, so Amethyst removes it. After she takes her hand away, she can tell that Meagan is calmer, which leaves her to think one thought and one thought only. "Oh, what did he do to my poor girl." She thinks to herself. The meeting continues but Amethyst can't seem to pay any attention, she is far too worried about the frail, sick, scared-looking girl next to her. She keeps trying to tell herself that Meagan has always looked that way and honestly, she isn't wrong, it's the way Ryan treats her that sends off reg flags. Amethyst wants to run away from Ryan and questions if she should even go through with this project but decides to say, at least until she can make sure Meagan is okay. They haven't seen each other in years so it isn't unheard of for people to change, but Amethyst can't stop worrying. She's never felt this way before and that in itself worries her. The meeting ends and Meagan quickly leaves the room, Amethyst asks Ryan if she could contact Meagan for business purposes, and he gives her Meagan's number on a business card. Throughout the rest of the day, she holds onto that card as if her life depends on it. She questions if she should call the girl, maybe she is just overreacting. Even if she is overreacting, it would be smart of her to get to know her co-star, right? Or would it just cause more problems if they were to reconnect? One thing is for sure though, Ryan gives Amethyst bad vibes and makes her feel uneasy and unsafe. Maybe she will give her former lover and now co-star a call.

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