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As the days go by, more and more questions fill Meagan's already troubled mind. "Ami, do you think Mariah photoshopped  the screenshots?" Meagan asks out of nowhere. "What do you mean lovey?" Amethyst asks in reply.  "You know, the ones that went along with the allegations my parents made," Meagan tells her. "Oh, well, given the fact that your family doesn't use social media, I don't know who else would," Amethyst says. "Why though? Just why? I thought she was my friend!" Meagan yells with tears starting to form in her eyes. "I wish I knew love. Maybe she was offered money? Maybe jealousy took over her? I know it hurts but at the end of the day, her true colors would've shown at some point. Besides, I know the truth, she knows the truth, you know the truth, and the truth will prevail." Amethyst tells her."You're right, I just overthink everything." Meagan sighs.  "That's perfectly okay, to an existent. I just don't want it to eat away at you more than it already is." Amethyst says. "I'm trying," Meagan replies. "I know, and I am very proud of you. Now, let's get going we have an ultrasound appointment to go to!" Amethyst says excitedly and does a little happy dance. Meagan is more excited than she puts out, honestly, she is worried that something will go wrong if she allows herself to be excited.  As they drive to the appointment Meagan asks, "Is it wrong of me to keep the pregnancy as some sort of proof of the rape?"  Amethyst gently and slowly puts her hand on Megan's thigh not wanting to startle her, "Not at all. What's wrong is the fact that so many women aren't believed and charges are dropped because they apparently don't have enough proof." She tells her. Meagan sighs, "Yeah, honestly it'll be easier to just die." She says, looking out the window as if she is contemplating something. Amethyst gets a bad feeling about this and immediately pulls over to the side of the road. She takes her hands off the wheel and very quickly grabs Meagan's hands. "It may seem like it would be, but I can't have you leave me. I can't lose you again." Amethyst says with fear in her eyes. Meagan hasn't seen this side of her girlfriend before and it takes her by surprise. "I'm not going to, I just want to but I'm not going to do anything," Meagan replies trying to convince not only Amethyst but also herself. "I love you Megs, I really truly love you and I don't want to live on an earth with out you." Amethyst says, as she now starts to cry. "Ami baby, I love you too. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." Meagan tells her and leans over to hug Amethyst. "You don't need to be sorry," Amethyst says. They pull apart and their foreheads rest on each other, after a few moments of just looking into each other's eyes Meagan asks, "Can I kiss you?"     Amethyst bursts into tears as she nods her head yes, it brings her so much joy to know that Meagan feels safe enough with her to ask.  As their lips meet they both feel at home again, a good home, a safe place where no one is hurt. It's like a heaven they would actually want to go to forever.  Their hands cup each other's faces as they continue to kiss until they finally pull apart and smile at each other. "Thank you," Meagan tells her. "What for?" Amethyst says back."I don't really know,  just thank you." Meagan tells her, her cheeks still blushing.  "You're so cute. Now let's get back on the road so we aren't late." Amethyst says. "I want to stay here and kiss you more," Meagan says innocently but truthfully. "I do too angel but we got to get going or we will be late." Amethyst replies. "Fine, but I expect more kisses later," Meagan tells her. "Noted, I wouldn't miss it for the world." She says in response. They pull back into the road and Meagan stares out the window again but this time with a smile. Amethyst has a way of making Meagan feel like a person again and Meagan does the same for Amethyst. They continue their drive singing along to whatever happens to be on the radio, the windows down, and their hair flying as freely as they both feel in this moment.

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