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"This is so basic!" Meagan laughs as they stand in Time Square. "I know but we got to do it!" Amethyst says back. It's New Year's Eve, the two are still in New York, and can't pass up the opportunity to watch the ball drop. "It's so cold," Meagan says, shivering in Amethyst's arms. "I know baby, did you want to go home?" Amethyst asks out of concern. "Are you crazy? I'm not leaving now!" Meagan tells her. "Baby, you just said it's basic and you are too cold!" Amethyst laughs. "Now that I'm here, I got to stay until it's over," Meagan replies. "Okay baby, the performers will start soon anyways," Amethyst tells her. The two dance to the music and sing along, enjoying every moment. "Look!" Meagan says, nonchalantly pointing to a gay couple. "What? They are just two guys in love." Amethyst says. "I know, but I forget how normal it is. I forget that we aren't some sort of weirdos who need to be fixed." Meagan explains. "I forget that you forget that." Amethyst says, "I'm so lucky to have you." She then tells Meagan. "I'm the lucky one," Meagan says back.
The night goes by quickly, the two girls have had a few drinks but not enough to where they are too drunk. They laugh and talk with others there and feel so normal! Before they realize it, the countdown has begun.
Happy New Years!" The announcer says as the ball drop. Everyone in Time Square cheers and kisses, Meagan and Amethyst join in, finally feeling safe and unashamed. The taxi eventually takes them back to their hotel and the girls fall asleep still in their clothes and make-up on. The next morning they get onto the plane that takes them back to California after a couple of months of being away. "It feels weird to be back," Meagan says as they walk inside their home. "It does." Amethyst says back then asks, "Remember when you first walked through these doors?" Meagan has a hard time not crying as she remembers that day, the day Amethyst was like a superhero flying in to save her. "Yeah, I do." She says as she continues to remember everything that took place in that house. All the attempts to take her life, feeling River kick and become alive before passing away, the tears, the laughter. She remembers it all, "Do you remember?" Meagan asks. "Of course I do, we both have grown so much within a short time and I am so excited to continue to grow with you," Amethyst says. "What was life like without me?" She asks. "I don't like to think about it, it was full of selling drugs, sex with people I didn't love, and trying to find my purpose," Amethyst asks. "You didn't tell me about dealing," Meagan replies. "It was in the past, how else would I be able to afford the life I have?" She asks with a slight laugh. "Well, whenever you are ready, I would love to hear all about it," Meagan tells her. "Thanks love, I'd rather forget it though." She tells her. "That's okay too." Meagan lets her know. They put their suitcases down, and look around the house as they remember all that they've been through. "Do you think we will have a little one running around the house someday?" Amethyst asks. "I like to think so, I don't think I could bring myself to carry another baby again though," Meagan tells her. "I want to carry it." Amethyst says, turning to look at Meagan, "I want to have our baby." She continues to say as she starts to cry. "Then let's figure it out, don't you want to go to college first though?" Meagan asks her. Amethyst shakes her head, "If this life has thought me anything at all, it taught me to not take life for granted and wait around for the right time. That's why I am doing this right now."Amethyst says as she gets down on one knee, taking Meagan by surprise. Amethyst pulls out a small box, "Meagan, the day you came back into my life I knew I never wanted to let you go again. That's why I bought you this ring and was waiting for the perfect time to ask, will you marry me?" Meagan stands there in shock, tears rolling down her face as well she manages to say, "Yes, yes Ami, I'll marry you." Amethyst puts the ring on Meagan's finger and then kisses it, "I love you." She tells her. "I love you too, now follow me," Meagan says and grabs Amethyst's hand. She drags her to their bedroom, sitting Amethyst on the bed while she goes to open a drawer. "I didn't expect you to ask before me, I got you something that I was going to give you on New Years but forgot it at home." She says as she now gets down on one knee. "Ami, my Amethyst love, knowing you and loving you has been the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. I don't want to waste my life any longer, will you marry me?" Meagan asks. Amethyst now is sobbing, trying to mutter the word "Yes." Meagan understands her and slides the ring on Amethyst's finger, "great minds think alike." Meagan says as she kisses Amethyst.

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