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They go back inside, completely dripping from the rain, "That was so fun!" Meagan tells Amethyst. "It was." Amethyst says back. She notices Meagan beginning to make Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, "I'm not hungry love." She tries to say but Meagan doesn't listen. "You are going to eat anyways." Meagan replies and hands her a sandwich. "We got to nip this in the bud, my dear." She tells her, waiting for Amethyst to take the sandwich from her. "You're right." Amethyst replies, finally taking the sandwich and eating it. Meagan eats hers as well. She smiles as she watches Amethyst finish her sandwich, she knows it must've been hard for her but is proud of her for fighting back. "I'm proud of you my love." Meagan says. "Thank you, baby." Amethyst replies with a smile. They both take a moment to look into each other's eyes, both being so completely in love with the other. It feels like a dream come true, neither of them can believe that within a matter of months, they will be married to each other. No matter what the future holds, as long as they have each other to hold, they know things will eventually work out and be okay. "I am so lucky." Meagan whispers, "So am I." Amethyst says back. They gently kiss each other, enjoying the feeling of each other's bodies in their arms. They don't mind the wetness of the rain, they don't even notice it at this point. They are too in love to care about silly things such as wet clothes and wet hair. "If this is what love feels like, how could it possibly be sinful?" Meagan asks. "I don't believe it is, how could a love like ours be anything but pure?" Amethyst tells her. "I just don't understand, how come I am thought less of as a person just because I'm in love with you?" Meagan continues to ask. "It'll never make sense to me. If people judge and think what we have is wrong, I don't what them in my life anyways. You are so much more than what your family believes you are. To me, you're not just that sinner who chose a bad lifestyle. You my dear are my whole world, my serinity, my life saver, my realization that there is still good in the world." Amethyst tells her, causing them both to cry. "I love you, thank you for helping me see my worth. I never felt worthy of anything good until I met you, I don't think I tell you enough. I don't tell you how beautiful you are inside and out enough, I don't tell you how loved you are enough. I want to scream my love for you from the highest rooftop. I love you." Meagan says, trying to hold her composure but ends up crying harder. "I love you too, my sweet girl. You are so loved." Amethyst says, holding Meagan tighter. "It feels so unreal to have a love like this." Meagan says back. "I'm glad we have each other, my love, I couldn't do this whole life thing without you." Amethyst tells her, and she begins to reminisce on how heartbroken she was without the girl. How sad she was to leave her behind, how after she found her parents dead on the floor, all she wanted was to crawl into Meagan's arms. She remembers staring at the plantation, hoping, and praying to whatever's out there that the two will be reunited again. "Maybe there is some sort of God, maybe he does care." Amethyst says in barely a whisper. "I think so too, there has to be. I just don't think he is as judgmental as people make him out to be. We don't need a church or a cult to believe there is something greater than this, we just have to believe and do what is right in the moment." Meagan says she looks at Amethyst and tells her, "At this moment, this is what I know is right." She says and then gently kisses her fiancé. "That was definitely the right thing to do." Amethyst tells her and kisses Meagan right back. "I'm so thankful to have you." Meagan says as she also thinks about how life was without Amethyst. So much has changed since then but one thing stayed the same and that is their love for one another. Their love is stronger than the hate, then the people who tried to keep them apart. "Thank you for getting Ryan's ass in jail." Meagan then says and begins to laugh. "You're welcome but what's so funny?" Amethyst asks her. "I hope he drops the soap." Meagan answers and laughs harder. Amethyst laughs as well, "He'll probably like it too." She says as she laughs. "Probably!" Meagan replies. As they laugh, they get changed and dried off, they lay in bed together and turn off the lights. "I am so glad I'm alive." Meagan tells Amethyst. "Me too, I'm glad you decided to stay." Amethyst replies. "I'm glad you did too." Meagan says back. "Me too baby, me too." Amethyst tells her. Meagan lays her head on Amethyst's chest, listening to her heartbeat as she begins to feel tired. "I can't help falling in love with you." She gently sings, making Amethyst smile and sing back, "I can't help falling in love with you."
Feeling safe and comforted in each other's embrace, they drift off to sleep, not knowing what tomorrow may bring but knowing as long as they have each other everything will be okay someday.

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