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"Hey love, Remember me?" Amethyst says after Meagan answers the phone. "Hi Ami, of course, I do!" Meagan says, trying to gather her thoughts. The call took her by surprise, she never thought she would come face to face with this girl again, let alone call, but here they are. "I was hoping that's who this is, how are you?" Amethyst asks her. "I'm doing well, and you?" Meagan answers. "I'm doing good, are you sure you're okay though, like really truly okay?" Amethyst asks. Meagan nervously laughs, "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to call to be honest." She then tells her.  Amethyst sighs, "Megs, you don't need to apologize. What happened between us in the past is the past, we were just kids. Seeing you today made me realize how much I missed you." She tells her. "You don't get it," Meagan says, "You got to go to your loving home while I was kicked out. I was basically shunned and had nowhere to go" She takes a deep breath to calm herself before continuing, "All that aside, I'm glad you reached out, I missed you too Ami." She tells her. Amethyst was worried about Meagan, to say the least, there was just something about Ryan and how poorly he treated her that didn't sit right with the girl.  She knew Meagan and how easily she could be misled by a man. Amethyst wanted to ask her about it but didn't know when was the right time, she wanted her to trust her again.  "Hey, are you busy?" Amethyst asks. "No actually I'm not for once, why?" Meagan asks with the hope she would want to come over before Ryan had his way with her.  "Well, I was wondering if we could meet up to talk in person." Amethyst asks, nervousness takes over her voice.  "Yeah of course we can! Do you want to just come over to my place? I have nothing planned for the rest of the day." she asks knowing Ryan wouldn't hurt her if someone else was watching. Thankfully Amethyst excepted the invitation and only took twenty minutes or so to arrive. When Meagan hears a knock at the door, her heart skips a beat and suddenly she feels like a kid again. She answers the door and allows  Amethyst inside. "Long time, no see." Meagan says jokingly pushing Amethyst's shoulder like they used to do.   Ow! What was that for?" Amethyst laughs but Meagan doesn't think she's joking. "Oh sorry, I'm so sorry." Meagan apologizes, suddenly  scared she did the wrong thing."I was just messing with you." Amethyst lets her know. She lets the girl into her bedroom and they sit on her bed. The room falls quiet for a moment, "Sorry, I spaced out for a second. I'm sorry" Meagan says. Amethyst smiles before saying, "I don't know what people have told you or how you've been treated but you don't need to apologize to me or anyone when you haven't done anything wrong"  Silence fills the room once more as Meagan smiles and nods her head. She doesn't say anything because honestly, she's too afraid of saying too much."Keep quiet." This is something she was told a lot by multiple people all her life up until now. Amethyst was the first one to want to know more. Amethyst knows only a little bit about Meagan's upbringing but not as much as she thinks she does. When she moved in across the street from Meagan she quickly realized the two lived much different lives but didn't know exactly how different their lives were. She was too young to understand or know the signs. She did however notice how everyone dressed in old-fashioned style clothing and did school at home. They both were only in the 4th grade but became "middle school sweethearts" until sadly, everything went south. It happened too quickly for both of their likings.  "Yeah. So, why are you here anyways?" Meagan asks, finally breaking the silence. "I just figured it would be a good idea to spend time with the now co-star beforehand. Plus, I missed you." Amethyst tells her. "Well, do you want to know something?" Meagan asks."Of course!" Amethyst answers.  "I missed you too." Meagan tells her. The two look at each other and smile, both feeling as if no time has passed. The two of them giggle and blush before shying away from each other. "Sorry, it just feels so surreal to have you right  in front of me." Amethyst says with a big smile across her face. "I know right, it's crazy  but in the best way possible." Meagan tells her. Amethyst so desperately wants to grab the girl's face and kiss her, kiss her until they both lose their breath. It's hard for her to resist but she does, she doesn't know if Meagan feels the same way about her anymore. Meagan does in fact feel the same way and wants to do the same thing but is too scared. Showing affection isn't something she knows how to do, she can't figure out how to do it in a loving, authentic way. She wasn't taught how, her upbringing failed her in that way, along with many other ways. "So yeah..." Meagan says awkwardly not knowing how else to break the silence again. "Sorry, I am so awkward." Amethyst tells her. "Now, what did we talk about apologizing?" Meagan jokes, mocking Amethyst's previous words. Amethyst caught herself wanting to laugh and say, 'I love you,' but refrained from that. "Oh shut up." She says while laughing instead. Meagan laughs and wants to tease her and say 'make me' but decides against it. "mmm, no, never!" Meagan says instead. "Your laugh is cute." Amethyst tells her. Meagan blushes, "So do you." she says quietly making Amethyst blush. They can't stop catching each other staring and blushing and looking away, the tension is thick but neither of them can bring themselves to do anything about it.

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