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There was something that could break the tension that ran heavy over the room, and that was Meagan's phone alerting her of a text. A text from Ryan, Meagan ignored it and quickly tried to clear it, but not quick enough because Amethyst saw. "You behaved well at the meeting but, I still think you deserve a punishment for laughing at my newest client." Is what the text read. Amethyst looks at Meagan and back at the phone then back to the girl who is looking very embarrassed. "Meagan, Is that Ryan, as in your manager?" Amethyst asks, silence is all she hears. "Is he one of your family members? I remember you said they were strict." Meagan cringes in disgust at that suggestion then says, "Oh no, no they'd never text me." Dismissing the first question. Amethyst pauses, " Oh, is he your boyfriend?  If that's something you're into, I wouldn't judge you but if you aren't into it willingly then I'd be willing to help you get out of it." Amethyst says causing Meagan to stand up and start pacing the room to calm her nerves. Her upbringing as well as her manager, have both trained her very well to keep quiet. She doesn't know what is the right thing to do in this situation. Should she scream? Should she run away? Maybe she should lie and say everything is okay. "Meagan, please, I know way too many people in this industry that are being taken advantage of and have been abused. You don't have to tell me any details but, if he's hurting you in any way, I can give you a safe place to stay or a shoulder to cry on." Amethyst tells her. Meagan sits back down on her bed next to Amethyst and lets herself cry for the first time in far too long. That's all the confirmation Amethyst needs at the moment. "Can I hug you?" Amethyst asks. That's when Meagan starts sobbing uncontrollably but still manages to say yes. So, Amethyst wraps her arms around Meagan and Meagan does the same back. Amethyst strokes Meagan's hair as she cries with her head on her chest. Suddenly, Meagan feels like she is back home, a good home, not a loveless house, a home. She missed feeling Amethyst's body near her and makes a silent promise to do everything she can to keep Amethyst in her life. Minutes go by before Meagan starts to slowly stops crying. "Do you feel safe here?" Amethyst asks her. "He has a key Amethyst!" This is all Meagan manages to say but the fear and desperation in her voice gives Amethyst all the information she needs. "Do you have a friend that you would want to stay with until you are safe?" She then asks secretly hoping Meagan would want to stay with her. "No, I don't think so." Meagan replies, wanting Amethyst to offer to allow her to stay with her. So Amethyst does the only thing she can think of and finally asks, "You can stay at my place, I have a guest room if that makes you feel more comfortable." Meagan smiles and her up on that offer, "Yeah okay, I'll do that." She tells her calmly but on the inside, she wants to explode with joy. She gets a few things packed before getting in her friend's car. "Thank you, Ami, You really didn't have to invite me over but thank you so much. I really appreciate it" Meagan says as they drive. "It's no problem at all, it's the least I could do. I just want to make sure you are safe." She says, making Meagan almost forget how sad she was a few moments before. As they drive, Amethyst plays music and the two dance and sing along like nothing bad could or has ever happened to either of them. The drive is soon over and Amethyst parks her car. "Thanks." Meagan tells her friend as she opens her car door for her. Meagan gets out of the car and follows Amethyst into the house. Amethyst shows her the guest room, "Make yourself at home, I'll let you settle in now but don't be afraid to let me know if you need anything." She tells her. Meagan replies with a simple "Thank you." She then waits for Amethyst to leave before she starts unpacking. "I can't believe I'm back at the house of my first love." She thinks to herself. Although she is happy for now, she can't help but be afraid of the unknown. The house is much different and bigger than the old one Amethyst lived in when they were kids, something as simple as that change makes her scared. Then again, a lot of people in this industry live in houses that seem like mansions, Meagan just isn't good at dealing with change. She starts to cry as her mind runs wild with anxiety, "Stop crying! You're okay! She's not going to hurt you!" She thinks to herself. Meagan continues unpacking and organizing her stuff in their new places, hoping the cleanliness will make her feel more at home. After a few minutes she is done so, she peaks her head out of her room, "Ami?" She asks. Amethyst immediately gets up from where she was sitting in the living room, "Is everything alright?" She asks her, obviously noticing Meagan has been crying. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine but I forgot to tell you, I left my phone at home." She says, wiping a tear that was left on her face. "Would you like me to go get it for you?" Amethyst asks. "No, oh no it's okay. Ryan tracks my phone and I didn't want you to get caught up in all this so I just left it. I'll order a new one though. I just wanted to tell you so you don't get upset when I don't reply to your texts." Meagan says, her throat burning from trying not to cry. "He seriously does that?" Ami asks her, concern taking over her face. "Yeah, but it's for my own safety or something like that." Meagan answers. "Don't worry about it, I'll get you a new one and figure this out." Amethyst says. Before she could say anything else, Meagan cuts her off "No! please don't, it's okay. I don't want you to put your career on the line for this. I'll be okay." She says. Tears start falling from her face and she starts sobbing again as she continues to ramble. "I'll be okay, I'm used to it. He can't hurt me more than he already has and I don't want you to be hurt too. Maybe I'll just kill myself to get it over with." She threatens and sadly, it isn't an empty threat, it's something she's wanted to do for longer than she could remember. Amethyst is having a hard time holding back her own tears. She knows what it's like to be in so much pain yet not able to leave, She knows what it's like to want to die, and to see Meagan struggling brings back memories of her own. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes, Amethyst doesn't want to make this about herself because, it's not. It's about Meagan right now and that's okay! Meagan wraps her arms around Amethyst taking Amethyst by surprise. She hugs her back, "It'll be okay, I will fix this." Amethyst whispers. Meagan wants to believe her but can't, she can't trust anyone anymore no matter how badly she wants to. Amethyst doesn't expect her to believe her, she just wants the girl to stay alive, she can't fathom losing her once more.

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