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Rui likes tsukasa, and would love to take him out to the school dance, but, tsukasa probbably likes someone else, correct? Sharing a dorm with tsukasa was hard to not just scream i love you to him,but he also was around tsukasa basically every second.

Because tsukasa was also in a band with him, he had hangouts with the group, and with tsukasa, he loved tsukasa, alot. today was another hangout with the band , the plan was to get ice cream and food and head back to the dorms.

"I can pay for the ice cream,i think i have enough" rui reached into his pocket and counted the amount of money he had.  1..2..3.. Oh, only 3 dollars. Emu began to search in her jacket pocket, great! 2 dollars. "Are you gonna pay for me emu chan?" Tsukasa said, he didnt bring any money sadly. "Kamishiro-san can pay for you! Ill pay for nene chan and me" oh, well, atleast he is gonna get paid for. They went up to the ice cream truck and ordered.

"Id like a-" tsukasa got cut off, rui knew exactly what hed order.
"Hed like chocolate with vanilla, I want plain chocolate" rui gave the ice cream man the 2 dollars, nene and emu also ordered and gave their 2 dollars.
After they had sat at a 4 chair table to eat the ice cream, tsukasa looked at rui and asked.

"Rui, how did you know what i was going to order?" Rui was somewhat happy of the question. "You told me 9 months ago, and i like to remember it"
"You..remember the things I say?" Rui had a nice smile on his face. "Ofcourse, thats what friends do, correct?"

"..i guess so", Nene was smiling at what she was about to say, what would it be?
" i have someone in mind to ask for the school dance! I think i have the perfect way to do it!" Nene had always been excited about school dances, she usually goes alone tho. But it seems like she was really excited about this one.
"Good luck nene chan! I cant wait to see!!"
"Arigato emu chan, ill do my best ^^"
Emu knows nene will ask her out, but for the sake of mysteriousness, she doesnt reveal it.

"What about you, rui kun, tsukasa kun?"
Rui was phased out and snapped back in at that question, he has a distraught look but answered it.

"I know who id ask out, just dont know if i will, maybe id just go alone or stay home."

Tsukasa followed up also answering the question.
"Same as rui! But I dont think its a crush, i dont really know"

Shit, tsukasa just realized what rui would say, stupid, he always deals with this everyday.

"Oh really tsukasa kun? If it isnt a crush, then maybe,your in love?"

And there we go, ruis teasing personality sets off again. Hed flirt and tease tsukasa every day, wich he just putted off as his teasing personality..

"I have to go, its time for my daily homework and studying schedule."
The pale green haired girl said, getting up from her seat.
"I have to go to, mizuki asked me to help her with homework soon"

Rui ALWAYS had to cancel off group hangouts to help mizuki, not that the group didnt like it, but more so it felt empty without rui.


Now that tsukasa and emu were alone, tsukasa could ask emu for a favor
"Emu chan, can i ask you something?"
"Sure! Whats up tsukasa?"

Tsukasa lowered his tone, just so no one could hear him.
"Can you help me cook?"

Emu wanted to start laughing, but flinched not to, she gathered her soul up and she finally replied.
"Sure! My house saturday 5 pm?"

Wow, what a spesific time, but, whatever, doesnt matter much.
"Sure, im free that time"

--timeskip because i can ^^--

Tsukasa forgot to mention to rui how hed be at emus house, emu already told nene and she doubts nene would tell rui. Tsukasa pulled out his phone and started texting rui. (💜 = rui, 💛= tsukasa,🟠=saki)

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