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"Tsukasa, your bruises are showing, we cant rehearse with the-"

"Its okay! Ive brought makeup"
Tsukasa sat at a chair as rui picked out some makeup, rui knealed down gently dabbing the makeup onto the spots, he patted tsukasas head after he finished and the rehearsel was started.

--after rehearsel..--

"Great! Act 1 finished, act 2 starts tmrw, any questions?"

"Will i have to kiss rui in act 2 scene 3 here? For rehearsel?"

"Yap, anymore?"

"Cant we just rehearse all at once!? So its faster?? I bet we can do it!!"

"Well, ms hinori wont let us and we have to take it slow, her words not mine"

Tsukasa grunted while rui smiled, just then, the bell rang. This meant basically the day was over except if you still have classes.

Rui packed his bags when he noticed tsukasa was having trouble with something, like the great boyfriend he is, he approached tsukasa.

"Tsukasa kun? What is wrong?"

"I cant find my pen! I cant leave without it.."

"Well, allow me to help you find it" rui said, he passed tsukasas ears and whispered, "darling.", jeez.. He really knows how to embarrasse tsukasa, does he?

Rui began searching for the pen, basically looking around everywhere.

"Rui kun? Tsukasa kun? What are you doing? Didnt theatre class end a few minutes ago?"

Mizuki leaned agaisnt the wall and approached the couple, they both got up and was still looking everywhere.

"Were looking for tsukasas pen, it dissapeared mysteriously"

"Well mr detective tsukasa, it looks like by my information your boyfriend forgot he borrowed your pen and he has it in his pocket"

Ruis eyes widened, he checked his pocket and indeed, there was tsukasas pen.

"Rui!! Ugh.."

Mizuki rolled their eyes and left, tsukasa got his pen back and the 2 soon left to.

Rui ran to mizuki and catched up to them, tsukasa rolled his eyes and went back to the dorms.

/w highlighter and mizuki

"What the hell are you doing??"

"I dont know really, i was wondering if i can somehow meet with an or kohane"

"So your asking me because im dating ena, enas brother is akito, and akito is friends with an and kohane!? Your boyfriend is already friends with akito, why not ask him??"

"Meeting with akito is a death wish"

"Okay, good point, and why approach me anyways to?? People already think were dating and thisl just make it worse"

"Let them be, so can we atleast go to ena??"

"Fine.. Cmon lets go"

Mizuki dragged rui to where ena could possibly be, unfortunately for rui..

"Ena chan!! Do you know if you can ask akito where an i-"

Ena was with akito, and mizuki was with rui.

"An is with kohane in the cafe, what are you doing here anyways?"

"Uhh, bye ena! Bye akito!"

Mizuki ran with rui to the cafe and opened the door, indeed there was an and kohane drinking from their cups.

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