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Tsukasa yawned while putting his phone back, it was not until then he really realized rui was already asleep in his bed while tsukasa was just getting done asking for skipping.

"WAKE UP" tsukasa yelled, shaking rui awake.

Rui opened his eyes, he sat up and looked at tsukasa with tired eyes. Tsukasa stared at rui awkwardly, trying to get a excuse to justify waking him up.

"I uh, your makeup, yeah, your makeup is still on!"

Rui sweated a little, checked his phone even while it being off and laughed nervously.

"Aha! Yea, i should go get it off.."
Rui got out of bed to go to the bathroom, in the bathroom, rui turned on the lights to wash off his makeup.

"Can i watch??"
Someone asked from behind, tsukasa had walked in and sat on a chair in the bathroom.

"Yea sure, i dont mind" rui said, dabbing a swab into accetone, then gently putting it on his eye, he did it for the other eye until the makeup was completely off, then grabbed some lipbalm and smeared it onto his lips.

"I thought no makeup for bed?"
"Lipbalms is to keep my lips not drying up, and its not really considered makeup in my opinion"
Tsukasa looked at rui that turned his back to face tsukasa, still putting on his lipbalm.

"I never tried it before..can i feel your lips?"
Ruis eyes widened, he looked a bit confused. "Why?"

"I just wanna feel what having lipbalms feels like and if it does make your lips not dry" rui nodded at tsukasas question, he sat down on the floor while looking up at tsukasa that was sitting on a chair.

Tsukasa was hesitant but then he reached his finger out and touched ruis lips, they felt glossy and soft.

"Can i also put on the lipbalm?"

"Sure, ill put it on!"

Rui grabbed the lipbalm and putted it on tsukasas lips, wich was the first time he saw upclose, plump with a twinkle of rosey pink.

After putting the lipbalm on, they went back to bed, and instead of sleeping, they decided to stay up in the dark on their phones.


The wonderlands

(💚) nene.
= rui kun and tsukasa kun arent online, where could they be?

= theyre online now!!!

(💜) mr director !
= ➱ rui kun and tsukasa kun arent online, where could they be?
: we just got done putting lipbalm on each other, why?

(💚) nene.
= thats a indirect kiss

(💛) world STAR! ✩
= what?? How??

= you know! Like, if rui used the lipbalm then tsukasa used it, the lipbalm is rui kuns lips!

(💛) world STAR!✩
= yeah im so done goodbye im gonna go sleep

(💜) mr director !
= wait for me


Tsukasa turned off his phone and looked over to see rui staring at the ceiling.

"We can reknow each other?"

"Id like that, sure" rui said, turning to face tsukasa and poked his cheek.

"You know, at first when i joined wxs, i just did it to make saki happy, i didnt bother getting along with you or nene because i was to focused on saki and on emu and i just didnt think of it, but ever since you tried to get along, ive come to realize your not actually that bad, your pretty nice to be around to"

love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now