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"This is emus house right?"

"Yepp! Just knock 2 times and her mom will open the door"

Knock knock

"Oh! You must be emus friend.. Come on in, ah! And tsukasa"

The 2 entered the house holding hands, tsukasa went up to emus room and rui followed. But first, emus mom tugged ruis shirt perventing him from entering emus room.

"Your not anything other than a friend to my daugther, right?"

"Yes, i guess? Im her bestfriend"
Rui went into emus room, emu was kicking her feet on her bed while nene was looking at her and tsukasa was looking at emus drawings.

"Whats with your mom? She asked me if i was anything else than your friend"

"Dont mind her!! Shes actually really sweet!!" Rui leaned on the wall, he was looking and tsukasa as emu was still drawing.

"Sweetheart!! I made you and your friends tea!"
Emus mom opened the door, she setted the tea down as the 4 thanked her.

"Well darling! Let me taste your tea for poison..who knows!"

"What did you call my daug- never mind.."

Rui leaned in to tsukasas tea while tsukasa certainly unamused.

"Not poisioned! You can drink it"

Tsukasa drank the tea and rui smiled at him.

"WONDERHOY!! nene chan!! Can you grab my crayons from my desk!??"

Nene nodded and went over to emus desk, JESUS it almost looked like ruis room, full off messy things and drawings.

"Here you go emu, are you sure these can be used for the play?"

"Mhmm!! And woosh, woosh woosh!!  You knowwww, i was actually thinking of outfits to wear in the festival of wonders book signing event!!"

"Well.. It is in 4 days, but im sure emu chan will look good in everything! Rui to.." Tsukasa said, he fell into ruis arms and the 3 laughed at him.


"I agree! you guys even look good in the regular outfits"

"Flattered, rui."

"Huh, rui? What are you doing?"

"Brushing tsukasas hair, why? Hel look prettier"

"I absoloutely hate this."

"But you told me to do i-"


tsukasa putted his hand over ruis face preventing him from speaking.

"Here! I put the crayons and my left over uhm.. Dried up.. Paint in the box, we can carry it to the theater now" emu said in a.. Unusual voice.

"Emu, be honest, whats wrong? Ever since yesterday you werent as well, energetic and cheery as your always as, your still energetic but somethings bothering you, whats wrong?"

Just then, emu broke down and layed herself into nene.

Yesterday, class

"Stand outside the classroom then."

The 4 walked out as emu frowned, no rui, no tsukasa, and no nene!! Hmph.

"Hmph.. No more wonderhoy group!!" She mumbled, the teacher looked at her and she was certainly a bit.. On edge.

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