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Before we start i might do shoutouts so if u want a shoutout just say "i want shout out" 🤩😍🥰🤪😇

Tsukasa woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, something very familliar, something hed experienced before. He nervously breathed calming himself down until he heard humming from somewhere, huh? Musicbox is turned off, everyone next dorm is sleeping except mizuki, and even mizuki is probably playing on their phone.

Tsukasa felt a hand on his and slowly turned his head around, it was rui that was humming with that cheeky grin. Rui let go of tsukasas hand and pulled him towards him. "We dont have any classes since we stuffed them all between monday to wednesday.. Can you get us some food? Its not everyday we wake up at 6 am" rui pointed to the door and tsukasa got up. But then was followed by rui.

"Are you coming to?"

"Mhm, its lonely without you"

Going down the stairs to the cafeteria and holding hands while tiredly talking to each other was already nice enough, until they got something unexpected.

"Stop right there!! Are you drunk??? No being drunk and also no dating on campus grounds! This is hall monitor, shiraishi an!"

Rui titled his head finding a mad an, wich he laughed at.

"They have hall monitors in college? Also, were not drunk, were just tired. And your dating kohane so whats the point?

"The rules dont effect the hall monitor!"

"Aha, so, we have to stop holding hands?"

"NOT THAT!! but uhm, uhm, nevermind.. You can go on your way"

Rui giggled at an and they went on their way to the cafeteria, tsukasa sitted down as rui went to get food and pay.


"Who are you?"
!! Someone jumped infront of tsukasa, they seem to be very excited for some reason.

"Sonomori hazawa! Im one of the students here, i-"

"I suppose you chatted to rui the other day?"

"Mhm! He told me everything about you!"

Just then, rui came back with the food and setted it on the table.

"Ah! Hazawa chan, tsukasa kun, i got you your fav meal!"

"Arigato rui!"

Opening his phone, tsukasa decided to eat while play on his phone



(💚) nene.

(💛) world STAR!✩
= were eating

=  i hate today!!

(💚) nene.
= dont worry about her, she woke up to find a ant in her slippers.

(💛) world STAR!✩
= boring. Im gonna go eat again

Tsukasa closed off his phone to find rui sitting and silently staring at him with a happy expression, humming the same song from the dorm.
"What are you looking at?"

Tsukasas face got red, rui giggled at this and gently kissed tsukasas cheek. Grabbing his palm and making shapes and doodles on it while tsukasa was still eating.

"When your done eating, we can go a mall! Maybe we can get clothes and hang out"

"So a date? Your asking me on a date, kamishiro san?"
Tsukasa grinned widely while now it was ruis face turning red, he quickly finished his food and they got ready for the train.

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