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"Now remember emu, we dont address tsukasa by his name and we address tsukasa with they/them, got it?"

"Yep! Cmon, and we can sign stuff right?"

"Yes we can.. Cmon lets go"
Rui and emu entered the shop, they looked around for things. (Can u guys tell i love emurui)

"Wahaha! I think h- they like this type of chocolate! Its their fav to i think!!"

"Sure, do they like buttered popcorn or?"

"Definitely buttered!! In my opinion even, non buttered is just bland!"

"Heh, you both have sweet tooths dont you.."
Rui picked up the chocolate, he putted it in his bag.

"Aa! Can i both have your autographs? I have festival of wonders book!!"
Rui and emu nodded, they picked up the pen and started writing their signatures, the fan skipped off happily as they went on with their shopping.

"Pocky! I think they like it, chocolate flavour i suppose?"


"okay okay, here, cmon lets go pay and wel go to the popcorn stand"

Rui payed for the things and they both went out to the popcorn stand, emu drooled and picked out her 800 yen.

"2 buttered, please"
The seller nodded and began making the popcorn, tsukasa was sleeping in the dorms as of currently. Or is he?

With tsukasa

"Rui? R-rui? Hello? Rui? Mhm.. Wheres rui?"


(💛) world STAR!✩
= wheres rui?

(🧡) best shinonome sibbling
= havent seen him.

(🖤) shiraishi an!
= havent seen him either! What abt you toya, kohane?

(🤎) kohane! :D
= i think he went with emu!!

(💙) toya
= i was asleep the whole time.

(💛) world STAR!✩
= thx kohane!!!

"Meh! Hel be here soon, ill go sleep again"


"Thank you! Cmon emu, our next stop, the campus!!"


-- at campus.. --

"Bye emu! Nene is at the park if you need her"


"Tsuuu,kaaaaa,saaaaaa! Im back!"
Like he expected, tsukasa was sleeping peacefully in the bed.

"Hmph! Babee, wake upp!!"
Rui kissed tsukasas cheek, tsukasa woke up panting while looking around the room crazily.

"O-oh! Rui, whats that in your bag?"

"Things for our movie date night! Hehe~ cmon, here"
Rui tackled tsukasa into a cuddle and kissed his lips, letting go he was still cuddling with him but got his laptop out and putted on netflix.

"What movie shall we watch?"

"I was thinking something different"
Tsukasa switched to youtube and putted in a name.

K-U-B-Z-S-C-O-U-T-S he writed out, and tada!
(Friendly reminder kubzscouts fans that havent go check out his recent videos)

Back to the fanfic~

"Hm.. I dont know.. Can you choose?"

"Stranger things?"

Rui cupped tsukasas cheeks, he letted them go and started off the episode.

love you like you are <3 [ruikasa] Where stories live. Discover now