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Stop slandering my grammar im indonesian pls 😭😭😭😢😢😢

"Finally you guys arent late.. Anyways, auditions are tmrw, ask questions now or you cant ask tmrw"

"Is there a way to change the kissing scene script ms?"

"And how do you wanna change it?"

"The overall lines are good, i just think a minor inconvienience (someone correct me pls) would be nice, like someone noticing and they have to play it off, and what do you think about this nominoku san?"

"Okay, yeah, its pretty good, thats up to miss tho"

"Hm.. Sure, wel do that"

"Oh! And i have already made some costumes for the play anyways, nene chan and emu chan will help me finish some things up, do you want to help to tsukasa kun?"

"Hm.. Fine! But no launching me in space or the sea or something.."

"Your all dismissed, you can stay if you wanna practice for audition or something"

Instead of usually packing bags, tsukasa and rui stayed, they were gonna discuss stuff.

"Mihari chan! Rate my soon to be audition for aishia, AHEM!! Yumia! Yumia!! Captain hikashi found land!! Cmon!! We have to get off this boat!! We found land!"

"10/10 osihi chan! Your gonna be great on stage!"

"Hehe!! I love my biggest supporter, mihari!!"

"Tsukasa kun, want to practice the kiss scene?"

"Wait, wh-"

Rui pulled tsukasa somewhere where no one can really see them, wich was backstage. They both sat and rui started reading the lines.

Rui started whispering to not get caught, tsukasa was confused and flustered in a daze where rui was gonna practice a kiss scene.

"Your lips are soft even in the tiring conditions of the sea, may i?" Tsukasa stared at rui in shock while rui smiled, before kissing tsukasas lips, tsukasa kissed back as they were backstage.

"What was that for idiot!? Your gonna get us caught backstage.."

"Its just practice, correct?"

Tsukasa sighed and digged his head into ruis shoulder, before they left made sure everyone had left, they left to.

"Tsukasa kun!! Me and nene chan made some flower headbands, WERE MATCHING!! here! Have one"

Tsukasa bent down so emu could put on the flowerheadband, wich was a bit wrong and a bit to the side ways.

"Oh! Here, let me fix it"
Rui turned to tsukasa and fixed the headband, then ragged up his hair a little bit, but putted it back to place.

"Nene chan, did you bring ruis flower head band??"

"Left it at our dorm on purpose"

"oh, anyways!! I think we should add a bit of WONDERHOY in festival of wonders!! Maybe add some like, rainbow decorations and maybe fireworks that go WOOOOSH!!!!"

"All fireworks go WOOOSH!! Emu chan! I was thinking of our show being themed about accheiving dreams and fullfiling it"

Everyone looked at rui with curiosity, he held onto tsukasas hand for, for? Dont know, just couple intuition i guess?

"Might be a love song but i havent decided the lyrics, im thinking of adding something, like confetti and flowers that pop out of nowhere mid show!"

"And how are you gonna pull that off?"

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