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Tsukasa woke up accidentally after having a nightmare. It was about his self esteem getting the better of him and many felt sorry and tried to like him, but hed find out and had been thrownd into the deep end. Everytime he woke up, he tried to stay silent calming himself down

He wasnt good at calming himself down.
The nightmare was a bit more scary today, so he had more trouble, he decided to get up and try to calm himself breathing fresh air without being suffocated by the hot air in the room.

After calming himself down a bit, tsukasa got back into his bed. He felt a weight on his shoulder, he almost julted up but just flinched, turning around, he found rui falling off his shoulder sleeping.

"What the fuck-"

Ruis eyes opened a little, hugging the pillow on tsukasas bed.

"Tsukasa kun, mind if i stay here?"

Tsukasa was annoyed, he was still trying to calm him self down. He was sitting when he felt something drop on his lap.

"Rui what are you doing!?"

"Laying in your lap, why?"

Tsukasa wanted to push rui away, but he had somehow calmed down with rui being in his lap.

"You can get off now"

And rui did. "Im surprised you actually got off"

"Why? Want me to lay on your lap again?"

"No, just in shock, thats all."

Indeed it was early, about 3 hours before they started.

Rui got up and looked around, and asked something to tsukasa.
"Wanna do play effection?"

Tsukasa looked confused, and asked what it was.

"You get someone you hate and you play a role and try to affectionate with them"

Tsukasa raised a eyebrow, and got annoyed again.

"Me!? Affectionate with you!? No way!"

"Its suppose to make you get closer and friendlier with each other"

"No way thats gonna work, idiot"

"Its how nene and emu got closer, now theyre inseperable"

Tsukasa sighed and thinked about it, emu is inseperable to nene, and even joined the same college as her to be with her more.  he was always annoyed of rui and getting used to it would be good since they share a dorm and are practically always with each other.

Tsukasa finally sighed and faced rui.
"Fine, whatever, ill do it, how do we start anyways?"

Rui plastered on his michevious smile grin again.

"You can start by laying on my lap, and try to fall asleep"

Tsukasas eyes widened, he thought it be just words, not actual touch.

"Okay maybe i wont do this"

"Oh, but you already agreed tsukasa kun!"

Tsukasa nervously gulped, rui sat on the floor, with the same grin.
Tsukasa nervously layed down on ruis lap, rui tucked tsukasa in with his own blanket, Wich he purposefully did.

"I wonder how much colone you use, because this blanket smells like strawberrys."

"Is that supposed to be a insult?" Rui raised a eyebrow.

"Yea, it is" tsukasa smirked, he never insulted rui like this, and now that he could, he would.

"Your admitting i smell nice, so id take that as a compliment" rui smiled, he began to comb his hands through tsukasas hair.

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